1 - Kuni Leaves Home

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Kuni Leaves Home

~ One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger. ~

There had been no fish again today, and the boy was exceedingly thin. Not the variety of thinness that is typical in any active twelve-year-old boy. Instead, the thinness comes when a child has not eaten properly for many months. To observe the lad, he appeared near starvation.

His grandfather had been a thriving, talented fisherman, and his father had been a profitable fisherman. The youngster struggled each day to grow into any type of fisherman. The boat, the nets, and the harpoons needed to be shorter for his frame and underdeveloped hands. He needed help to use the family tools of the fisherman's trade efficiently and adequately.

The orphan boy had no one to share his thoughts with, and he had developed the odd habit of holding discussions with himself. Most of the folks in the child's village had concluded (therefore, it must be true) that grief and loneliness had driven the youngster mad, as he was often seen conducting deliberations alone.

They would shake their heads sadly and comment upon how the deaths of his grandfather, mother, and father in such a brief period must have overwhelmed his young mind. It was deemed by most (therefore, it becomes the truth) that the crazy little orphan boy imagined he was speaking with his dead mother. The sorrowful little lad had broken with reality because his circumstances were so heartbreaking that it was too much for him to bear.

Kuni sat perched on the prow of a tiny fishing craft, speaking to the empty air surrounding him. He knew the villagers thought he was mad, and perhaps he was. The beautiful voice first came to him on what he referred to as the Last Day. No one else had heard the soft whispering 'other voice' except for him; the boy did not care.

No one else from his village had seen the shape in the sea mist except for him; the boy did not care. No matter how much they pointed and whispered, the youngster would never give her up. She gave him expert advice, and she was always kind.

He had named her on the first day she came to him: Mizuko-the water child. She seemed to form from the sea mist as a water nymph. Mizuko was small and could fit in the palm of his hand. She was the shimmering shape of a tiny sea dragon outlined in blues and greens-a three-dimensional sea dragon made of water and mist. Mizuko was a Water Spirit!

"I have the boat built by my grandfather," the boy declared proudly.

🐉~Yes, but that is all that you own in this world.~

Kuni heard the helpful voice inside his head. Mizuko often sounded like the voice of his dead mother. His momma had been the most intelligent person he had ever known. She never lied to him and seemed to recognize his moods even before he did.

🐉~Yes, for a short time, then you would have nothing.~

"If something doesn't change, I will die!"

🐉~Yes, you will soon grow too weak to take the boat out, and you will perish.~

"It's not fair!" loudly complained Kuni.

🐉~Life isn't fair, little one.~

"But I tried, I tried so hard."

🐉~You have worked hard your entire brief life. You should be proud.~

"I feel so alone, Mizuko."

🐉~It is true, you have been much alone since your mother died.~

"The people of my village, my father, judged me without truly knowing me,"

🐉~And, what did your mother teach you about the opinions of others? ~

"What should I do, Mizuko?"

🐉~Remember the tales from the old man in the village. Also, remember you have one good net remaining.~

The old man from the village, the storyteller, Kataribe, was the answer to his problems!


From the author...

This story was initially intended to be used with at-risk youth. The Questions to Consider/Ponder piece in the Author's notes- at the end of each chapter/episode is my attempt to phrase questions for these youths. Thank you.

If all the people of your village, town, or city acted as if you were invisible, how long would it be before you felt you no longer existed?

If those people shared the same negative opinion about you, could you do anything to change their minds?

Can someone be happy living utterly alone without anyone else?

Do you know someone like Kuni, someone treated like an outsider?

Have you ever been treated like an outsider?

How much of a difference would it make if one person would reach out a hand of friendship?

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