Goodbye, Mister Ryoshi - Part Two
~When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.~
Kimyo stood in stunned silence, neither speaking nor moving. He hears Mister Ryoshi clearing his throat.
"Umm... well, everyone... umm... welcome to my home," started the hesitant host. "We haven't done this very often since my good wife passed." The fisherman paused. "But I know- she would have approved of this celebration!"
Ryoshi was interrupted by more clapping and cheering. Mister Ryoshi's voice became more robust, and he continued, "We are here to celebrate and give well wishes to one of our own, Kimyo."
Kimyo could only hear bits and pieces of conversation in one ear over the clamoring of eating, drinking, and excited voices. People clapped and pounded him on his back; he repeatedly said "thank you" to well-wishers. "You are a hard worker... you are a good boy... you are always polite and respectful... we are proud to have one of our own chosen... we are happy for you."
He heard bits and pieces of Mr. Ryoshi's speech in his other ear, "... chosen... proud of him... if training doesn't work out... always have a place with us."
Kimyo's fellow net-workers were shouting, "Speech!" All were suddenly quiet, waiting to hear from Kimyo. He was gently pushed and prodded until he found himself beside the grinning Ryoshi.
The young man felt himself blushing and thought, "I will mumble; thank you and end it quickly."
Then another part of his mind told him, "These people are poor, work very hard, have little, yet share what they have with you. They deserve more from you."
Kimyo began, "As all of you know, I am an orphan." It became eerily silent. "Everyone I knew or cared about died, and I was alone."
He looked around at the many kind faces, watching and listening intently. "I thought I would never know what it felt like to have a family again."
Everyone in the crowd was following his every word. "I was wrong. All of you today made me feel like I have a family again. Thank you for that; you are all so very kind."
Part of the crowd erupted into applause and cheers for Kimyo. The other part of the crowd was shushing and saying, "Let the boy speak; let him finish."
Things grew quieter, and the youth began again, "Finally, I wanted to say that I have thought much about this subject. When I grow up, what manner of a man do I want to become?"
Kimyo looked to his right, where Mister Ryoshi stood, watching him speak with a smile on his face. "Mister Ryoshi, sir, many told me that if you kept all the money you made from selling fish, you would be the richest man on this island. But you are not rich because you give away all your money to the people who need it the most."
Kimyo could hear the deep silence around him again as his listeners hung onto his words. "Well, sir, I wanted to tell you, here and now, in front of all these good people who know you the best. The answer to my question is you, sir. The manner of man I hope someday to become is a man like you, Mister Ryoshi. That's it. That's all I wanted to say."
The young man had thought that the cheering and clapping had been loud before, but now it became almost deafening in volume. Kimyo looked toward the lone fisherman, and it appeared that it was Ryoshi's turn to be the one blushing.
The last person to wish him goodbye was Granny Obachan. She hugged him so tightly he could not breathe. She pressed something into his hand. When she finally released him from her grip, he saw tears streaking her round, kind face.
He saw a crumbled sweet rice cake when he looked in his hand. Kimyo had to fight back his tears...
Questions you might consider:
Kimyo believes those with the least are more sympathetic and giving than those with more. Do you think he is correct?
Are you poor?
Do you know someone poor?
Kimyo decided to tell Mister Ryoshi how he felt about him in public. Was it the right decision?
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