When they meet and they remains broken..... what is the destiny..... will they meet or not ?
For this read this interesting novel "THE BETRAYAL"
She returns in mehta's mansion ....... After some dayy her mother got a call from aditi's massi (mother's sister)..... she was not well and her husband was out of city so she was calling her mother for a few days...... Aditi's older sister KHUSHI MEHTA.....she lived in a hostel for further studies. So her mother decided to take aditi with her to massi's home...... but she had her exam's beacause she was in 11th standard.... SHE DECIDED TO KEEP ADITI IN KAPOOR MANSION FOR FEW DAY...... until She will come back....
(She calls Aditi in her room and tell her the whole situation)
Whattttt????.....( aditi was shocked) Yes beta! You have to stay at kapoor mansion for a few days... ( said by her mother ) But.... Mom!!...... (she was about to complete her sentence but suddenly her mom stop her) No but but.... You have to stay i am leaving in this evening let's go to kapoor's mansion.....
(THEY LEAVE FOR KAPOOR MANSION) ******************************************************** Aditi was wearing a crop top and a flared jeans with a sling bag looking so beautiful with small diamonds earings.....
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aditi and her mom enter's Kapoor Mansion and Siddharth mom came.... They greets each other and they started talking.......
Aj kese aana huyaaa maam apkaaa...... (sweta teasing aditi's mom)
(They all started to laugh)
Aditi's mom told her everything and she said..... " Yaa sure we too like aditi staying like us.... Aditi beta go upstairs and see which room you will like to stay in"
(Aditi shake head in the gesture of oky and she goes upstairs and she checked 2 rooms she didn't like much and she enter in the room of Siddharth kapoor's and she sees that sid is sleeping so cutely)
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She was lost in admiring his beauty..... his eyelashes like everything.... She love him from bottom for her heart.....❤️ she sat beside him and started running her hands through his hairs with love and affection..... He was in a deep sleep.... He also hugs her while sleeping....
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After a few minutes she remembers she had to go downstairs.... She was quietly lifting his head and suddenly he woke up..... and sees her in his bed... he stoop up confusedly and ask her "What the hell are you doing her aditi..."( saying while rubbing his eyes) She said "im so sorry" (and she going fastly to the door of the room to leave the room But suddenly he grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~❤️~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ab kia hogaa ye janne k liee next chapter pe jaiyeee and done forget to see this novel edits and leave your opinions on my Insta account @soumya.say .....