When my mother left, everything was suddenly black and white. I didn't know what to do. Especially not with my dad. I was 7 when she left, and all I saw was my dad coming home drunk every night. I knew it wasn't right. When I used to see my mother, I loved her, especially on stage when she danced. But now, now I hate her. The only thing I love is dancing. That's what my mother and I have in common. Dancing and nothing more. I've been taking care of myself my whole life. All my life I've been seeing in black and white, because if you don't have color in life, you can't lose color. 'I'm Livia Bruèl. I'm 16 years old and all I have is dancing.' I would say. Would. Not anymore, because of you. You changed everything in my life. Now it should be: 'I'm Livia Bruèl and I'm 17 years old. When I dance, I have you.' This is our story. Yours and mine. And for that story we first have to go back a year...