Untitled Part 1

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                          Book writen by and about Peter Saunders

These Stories of my life

1 My younger years, My first memories of being alive.

Well I believe life begin with ones first memory for me; as follows.

2 You safe on that gate son

I remember; "It was one of those days that you do not get many of in this country, Red hot and sunny. I seem to remember all the neighbours were out the front of their houses, people seemed to talk to each other in the old days on a different level. I suppose that nowadays we are all better off not mixing as standards are not what they used to be? You upset the wrong person they smash your windows.

If you don't mix with them you can't fall out with them. I also learnt from an early age only upset one person at a time, that way you know who to blame when your windows do go through.

I remember my first day of life so clear. Not the hole day just the bit I am about to tell you.

I suppose I must have been about four or five at the time, Well that's how it seems looking back now. I was sat on our front gate, legs through the top bars our dad behind me holding me there. He must have walked away... over I went. I remember hitting my head, I also remember crying, I balled my head off. I also remember what stopped my crying. It was the sound of a lorry coming up the road. Those lorry back in those days were referred to as corporation wagons.

This wagon, was coming up the road at a walking pace men walking both sides giving out what turned out to be pig bins. Pig bins made out of aluminium.

Well the commotion stopped my crying I suppose I could not have been hurt that bad. I also remember later that day this same wagon came around again. It turned out they had given the bins out in the wrong area. They only got back about half the bins they had given out. the rest I reckon ended up in Ernie Thatcher's scrap yard. People had been hard up in the old days. Well I can remember this happening as if it was only yesterday.

Well this my first memory was not that nice, I suppose I should have seen the rest of my life coming a mile off. As from that very first memory I seemed to have learnt,

"Look after number one." Also,

"You can't trust your parents?  So who the hell can you trust?" I believe no one. Sometimes in life you cannot even trust yourself. Sometimes in life we all let ourselves down. So you tell me? I say. "Trust no one." I believe this was my first lesson in life. My life that went on to get into a right mess. When this mess first started I was too young to see it coming. Still I would not change one thing. For when I look back I believe that everything that happens to us make us the people we are. Right from day one we are all conditioned. I hate football as I fell over that darn ball the first time dad placed it in front of me. You know what I mean? I would not change one thing in my life now as I would still want to do all the things that I have done. To meet the same people. Even falling over one hundred and fifty feet out of the sky with my broken up hang glider behind me was an event I would not want to miss. I believe that everything no mater how small or how insignificant it seems, all has to happen to make us what we are today. To make sure we are in the right place at the right time. To meat the same people in the same places. I have my present wife now, I would not want to go through life and not meet her. Lots of other things would change for the better maybe, but you know the old saying, "Better the evil you know than the evil you don't."

Well I have had a good life. I have had my share of fun, my share of fear, my share of just about everything I can think of. Yes I have had a good life, read on and see the way the courts dealt with the likes of me back in the sixties compared to the way they do now. See why I hate the system in this country. How I also hate do gooders or people that are in a position to take advantage of their situation. I was always taught to be aware of police, priests, Doctors and so on. See how I have got to be the way I am today, always seeing the worst in people before the good. Only because you don't very often get to see the good. Well if I get to finish this book, that in its self will be one hell of an achievement. As I have wrote the first ten chapters already. I have also lost them, somewhere in this darn computer. Well I am now writing it again, I suppose I am lucky I can have another go at it. I never had another go at it in real life. Still, I will try and make the sad time's I write of seem funny, the funny times seem hilarious, and so on. Keep reading, have a laugh on me; see the way my life went out of control. See how from that very first time I was put away, for what I would say, was a no good reason. I thought the whole world was against me. Also that I was on my own. Looking back though as I have said, I am who I am. Thanks to things going as they did

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