Female Brains

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We will always notice when you walk in a room, and will know where you are and how close we are.

We got out we will look around for guys out age.

We do notice the little things, but don't say anything due to embarrassment.

We will try and look good for someone, without it being to obvious, and we'll pretend to ignore you while actually knowing what you're doing and we make sure you look at us but we pretend we don't notice so we don't seem desperate.

Yes, girl math is confusing.

All it is, is how we will look at a situation and act on it, but we over complicate things.

We do notice when you talk to other girls, but don't say anything so we don't seem jealous. But we will try to meet your eye because that means we're allowed to step in to help.

Sorry, but besties before boyfriends.

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