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GPS/BDS/GLONASS/Galileo/QZSS All-constellation Multi-frequency High Precision RTK Positioning Module

Unicore's new-generation proprietary high-precision RTK positioning module. The module supports all currently available constellations and frequencies. It features a 50Hz RTK data update rate, and supports PPP, including E6 HAS and BDS B2b. With its excellent performance, UM980 is well-suited for high-precision surveying-grade applications, including surveying and mapping, precision agriculture, and deformation monitoring.

UM980 Application

Surveying and Mapping

Surveying and Mapping

Precision Agriculture

Precision Agriculture

UM980 Features

Based on the new generation GNSS SoC -NebulasIV, which integrates RF, baseband and high precision algorithm

All-constellation multi-frequency RTK engine and advanced RTK technology

Instant RTK initialization technology

60 dB narrowband interference suppression and interference detection

Heading2 technology to provide orientation information

STANDALONE single-station high-precision positioning technology

Supports B2b-PPP and E6-HAS

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is a high-tech company engaged in a highly sophisticated GNSS IC design, high-performance satellite positioning and multi-sensor fusion algorithm development.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2024 ⏰

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