The strong sun above me looked me in the eyes, holding my head in place so I couldn't stop myself from being blinded. It said, "I love you," and I shuddered. It left me
The sharp spike below me impaled me, smiling warmly as it did. It said, "I love you," and I shuddered. It left me
The cloud-filled sky above me saddened me, turning my world gray. It said, "I love you," and I shuddered. It left me
The deadly fire below me burned me to ashes, leaving no trace of my soul left. It said, "I love you", and I shuddered. It left me
The beautiful flower next to me cherished me, engulfing my soul through our eyes. It said, "I love you," and I shuddered. I left it
a/n: idek if it's actually cringe or if i'm overthinking, cause when i first wrote it, i was like "oh i cooked with this" but looking at it rn...eugh
Poetrymy last poetry book makes me cringe but i wanna get back into doing poetry, so i just unpublished the last one and made a new one... fun fact: i took the photo in the cover