Chapter two-Schoolyard myths

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(Vidia's P.O.V.)-
Dear Diary,
Today, it was my second days in science class, even though regular registrations were in ten minutes, so we were free to talk among ourselves! And, even though, I did and didn't tell the science teacher that I have been finding it very well and mostly difficult to do, cause actually I was always swotting away in the study hall, always busy studying instead of making new friends, since there was nothing wrong in trying to make new friends while studying and some bullies like Mr.William jones will do well someday to follow my examples for it!
It was true, though, as I had been preoccupied with it the only events that transpired those two weeks, I hadn't had the time to seek new friends or get to know them yet! There was, however, one kid-girl! Her name was Kat, and as I was just on my ways back to the study hall, Kat insisted and invited me to come to the playgrounds, instead! Later that day, in our sleepy class, filled with bored and sleepy students, while listening to our social studies teacher, who gave us anew assignment on wanting to go away in pairs and find as much information as we can do on a mythical creature of our choices! And since he was done talking, Kat insisted that we should work together on this project-problem! And we did it! Any mythical mysterious creature that I had in mind for our project was the Minotaur! The Ancient Greek beast who was part bull and part man, born of pasiphae, a queen to Minos the Cretan king! So, we headed on down to the library to conduct on our researches very quietly! We explored and expected for there to be more books on mythical beasts and monsters. But it didn't seem like there was an awful lot to choose from it! 'And the rest of the library was taken up by science and technology in literature! Science was this school's specialty!'-Kat told me, Kat-who had black hair and green eyes and wore the same outfit that I wore to school, and we wondered on what was through the second hallway brown doors, and that was part of library, even though we've never seen it by ourselves yet, until now! So, we decided to look into it, cause I preferred older books! Than these mythical kid's books! And when we walked inside of that door, the library was longer on the inside and it seemed to stretch on forever! There was a whole sections posted up on the walls that's devoted to Greek mythology, so it seemed! As we walked through the second parts of the library, I noticed some strange pictures that had footsteps walking through and down and out of them, and it made me wonder if somebody like my dad or somebody else had been through there before while they were here studying on Greek mythology, just like we are doing right now! So, we finally made it to the Greek mythology section! And there was more than enough books in here devoted to the same fun stuff for social studies, that we were looking for! Kat spotted a bull statue in the middles of the library rooms on the sides of the hallway, and it was the guy that I was talking about earlier with her on it! After it opened another secret door from behind the wall to keep the outsiders from out of it and from finding it! We looked up onto the wall, and a maze-map was shown to us! It looked just like the ones on Knossos, the Cretan labyrinth! Where the Minotaur once lived at, and then he moved here to live at a new place called home, we think! And so, no, we won't get lost, cause there were no dead ends like in maze, since there was only one pathway to take in here! Once, a bad bounty hunter man named Theseus went into the labyrinth to slay the Minotaur, and he used a red thread to find his way back out of it! He mostly smart for that mess, anyway! But he didnt really need one, since there was only one paths to take in it! Before I came here to school, I was stuck in a hospital, I wasn't sick, but my mother was, and she was bed-ridden, after I was born, and we couldn't bear to be apart, so I lived with her and she taught me all that she could from it, my dad worked as a surgeon in there to keep her healthy and watched over us for a short while, after that, he disappeared and I never heard or saw from him again! My mom passed on a month ago, and it was her wish that I continued my educations in here! It was really sad!
Anyway, as we talked for a long time about our parent's parenthood days, we were both interrupted by the big nice mostly scary bull-man-Minotaur who did live here! So, after we greeted each other warmly, we began to wonder if we could bring him for show and tell to our social studies class, and so we did it! For our presentations, we decided to look up on Greek myths! So, we introduced to all of them, the Greek bull-man, who preferred to be called basil! So, we wondered and asked to him about on why and what he was doing so far away from Greece! And he had a fair shared time amount of it in the new labyrinth that we found him in it! And he told us a story about how and when he was young, it was hard to meet people or kids at a very young age for him, and being stuck in the middle of a giant death maze and all that mess! So his mom arranged a mostly good party, for him to meet new people, everything was fine until Theseus showed up and ruined everything in it, Theseus got drunk, he broke the vases and sofa and he tried to start a fight on him and his step-sister-Ariadne! Everyone had to leave early because of it! He ruined his whole birthday! And no sir, the basil the bull-man didn't like it at all! And now of course it turned out to be that the bull-man was the bad guy in the end! This shows on how myth can be born of the constant retelling and misinterpretation of a simple story! After we said our goodbyes and thanks to the bull-man-Minotaur, we hoped that all of our work was this interesting and simple for it!... Each year, in year 101, each students sleeps in their own individual bunk-bed! These are fully equipped with a bed and a wardrobe and a mirror and a drawer space and communications terminal-space, too. Each house has a male and female bunk-bed, and dorm from it which hold 30 bunk-beds for each students, for the north and south beds and classes, that are stacked on top of each other, too. As for me, I started the years in wolf academy a bit late and the only availability for bunk-beds for me, it was at the top of Queens's dorm rooms, each year the accommodation changes it! That didn't work out so well for me, so, I was stuck all the way up there for it anyway!...



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2024 ⏰

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