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Jay was laying on one of the hotel beds, watching what he had recorded before uploading it to YouTube.After about three minutes of watching the footage, Jay started to doze off and soon fell asleep.

He was woken up by a loud pounding on the door. He got up quickly and ran to the door. Jay opened the door and saw Tim, who looked extremely worried. "Jay, grab your stuff. We have to go", Tim exclaimed. "What? Why?", Jay asked. "Alex was following me here", Tim answered. He ran past Jay and grabbed their duffle bags and the bags containing food. Tim ran out into the hall. "Come on, Jay", he exclaimed. "Hold on, I have to get something " Jay said. He quickly grabbed his camera, the bag that has his lap top in it, and the key card to the hotel room.
They ran down to the office. Tim went to go put their stuff in the car as Jay checked out of their hotel. Tim started the car as Jay was running towards it and jumped in. Tim backed out, then stared to head out on the road.

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