Vacation : Departure

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Mel's POV

It's been two weeks since Emily and Titus started dating. Although they had been strangers, they found out that they were really compatible.

As for Kuroo and me, we were still hitting it off. Most of the time was spent making out. Whenever we weren't doing that, we were talking about corn. We had a bit of a corn obsession. Don't ask.

One day, Amber came into the living room where Bre and I were watching a movie. Emily was following behind her. She exclaimed, "Let's go on a trip!"

I paused the movie and said, "What?"

"With the guys, too!" Amber added.

Emily looked at Amber and said, "Hold on. A trip? Where to?"

Amber exclaimed, "To Sherwinolia, of course!"

We all recognized the name  Sherwinolia. Our great-grandfather had built the metropolis with his massive fortune (he worked as a eggroll producer. Trust me they were the best). Although our parents lived there, we had decided to buy a home a few hours or so away. We usually visited once or twice a year to spend time with our parents.

"Wait. That would be the first time Kuroo and Titus will meet our parents," I mentioned.

Emily blushed when I mentioned Titus's name. Bre nudged me and silently giggled.

"Come on! Go pack up. We leave tomorrow," Amber exclaimed.

Bre grumbled something along the lines of "She just wants time with Alibaba." She got up and passed Amber on her way to her room.

Amber, having either heard Bre's comment and ignored it or did not hear it at all, smiled brightly.

Emily headed back to her room, possibly to pack. I followed with Amber on my heels.

- the next morning / Third person POV -

The four of the Sherwins were waiting by the window. They looked out at their driveway, currently empty. The flowers were in full bloom as they waited for Kuroo to pull up with Titus, Yukine, and Alibaba.

A few moments later, they saw the familiar black and red van. They all picked up our suitcases and ran out to the van.

By the time Bre, Mel, Amber, and Emily reached the van, the boys had gotten out and were walking up to greet their girlfriends.

Mel jumped into Kuroo's arms. He lost his balance and the two tumbled down onto the grass. Kuroo was grinning and Mel kissed him passionately.

Meanwhile, Bre and Yukine hugged as Yukine whispered, "I want some alone time with you."

Bre's face turned crimson as Yukine gave her a peck on the cheek.

Amber had tried to imitate what Mel did, so she tackled Alibaba. Unfortunately, Alibaba knocked his head against the van. Amber was freaking out and constantly saying, "I'm sorry!"

The remaining two walked up to each other awkwardly. Emily looked into Titus's eyes, blushed, and looked away. Titus put his hand under her chin and turned her toward him. He smiled and hugged her, making them both blush.

After several moments of kissing, whispering, apologizing, and blushing, Amber said, "Let's go!"

They all climbed into the van and headed to who knows where.

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