chapter 8 the date

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(Jaxs p.o.v)

I can't she's too cute hmmm before I knew it I was walking in circles
E.jaxy what happened
E.but u were walking in circles
J.Yeah I was just thinking
E.about what
J.fine Emma will u go on a date with me
E.oh jaxy of course I love you I will never leave your side
J. thanks em I love you two I will never be with no one else ever again
E.what time are we going one hour
E.k I know exactly what to wear
J.can't wait to see how beautiful u look
E.and I can't wait to see how handsome u look
(Emma's p.o.v)
Yes he asked me out I will wear a purple floral dress with magenta flats
E.Jax I need to get ready see u in one hour
J.see u in one hour my love
E.jaxy I love u too
So I went in my closet and got my dress and laid it on the bed I toke a shower painted my nails put on my makeup and put my dress and my shoes on and I was ready
(Jaxs p.o.v)
Ok I'm ready I went to my bike and told Emma to come outside. She looked absolutely beautiful my mouth hung open and she said
E.jaxy are u ok
J.yep u just look beautiful
E.well u look handsome in a tuxedo
E. So where are we going
J. The beach I have something special planed just for us

Hey witchers what do u guys think that jax is talking what surprise I'll update soon bye

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