Wake up pancake

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Standing near her was Ayato Sakamaki. Yui had killed herself a few days ago and still hasn't woken up. "I am starting to get scared that she is really dead." Ayato says to Latio. "I doubt little bitch is really dead." Says Laito. "Will you two stop fighting and just pray that she is okay." Says Reji. "Teddy hold me I am scared." Kanato says to his teddy bear. "Keep it down I can't hear my music." Says Shu. Subaru looks at Shu and says "will you stop being lazy for a few minutes and help out with Yui?" Shu looks at him and says "Subaru my music is my life and I am the oldest son and head of this family so shut up." Reji says "Shu you are NOT head of this family because you're super lazy." Just then Yui wakes up and looks at Ayato. "You're finally awake pancake." Yui says "stop calling me pancake and I am really thirsty." Reji looks away and Subaru asks "what did you do?" Reji says "I might have turned her into a vampire."

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