Runaway Valentine

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I could still remember the moment that dreadful device was attached to my wrist.

Once it had clutched itself tight to my fragile flesh, the countdown started. Silver against skin. My eyes widened in wonder and curiosity as I stared at the device on my wrist. Anima Copulatrix*, it was called.

For someone who was only a year old, I had a pretty keen sense of remembering certain things; a perfect example would be the time I was given my Anima Copulatrix. And I prided myself for doing so.

I stared at the green numbers on the device.

17y 085d 36m 11s



I looked up at my mom. She was smiling down at me, her big blue eyes shining as tears threatened to come out as she whispered words I had failed to comprehend. My older sister was looking down at me as well. She patted my head gently, a warm smile plastered on her face. A guy walked up to me, and I snuggled closer to my mom, whom was cradling me in her arms, with her long blonde hair brushing the top of my head ever so slightly.

The person put his hands on my mom's shoulders, and they smiled at each other endearingly. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hello there, my little angel. Daddy's here." he said, smiling, his hazel eyes twinkling. I giggled back at him, though it came off more as a weird noise involving my mouth and my tongue.

The three of them laughed.

My dad took me from my mom's arms and lifted me up in the air, rubbing the tip of his nose on mine. His brown hair tickled my ears, and more giggling came out of me.

"I can't wait to see you all grown up, my little princess."

"Hey! What about me?" my older sister exclaimed, crossing her arms on her chest and pouting. She was 4 years ahead of me, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, same as my mom.

Dad laughed and cradled me in one arm while hugging her with the other. "You too, Sally."

That seemed to have calmed her down, seeing that she smiled sweetly and hugged him back. My  mom smiled at us, tears brimming in her beautiful eyes. It wasn't long before she joined our little group of huggers.

3 years later, a new member of our family was brought unto the earth.

Nataniela, she was called. 

And as she stepped on the first year of her existence, she too was given her Anima Copulatrix. I stared at mine consciously.

14y 143d 24m 35s

It amazed me that a simple device could affect my life so much. To think that this mere invention could pinpoint me to my soul mate, the one destined to be the love of my life, was beyond fathomable. It just blew my mind.

I have no idea how the scientists discovered this life cheat, but I guess it's pretty handy.

Nataniela looked at her device and bit it. People all around us laughed, exclaiming how cute she was.

I felt an arm drape on my shoulder. I looked up to see my sister, Sally.

"Hey Sally," I called, and she looked at me with a smile. "Yeah, Val?"

"How many years do you have left?"

She looked at her wrist, where the device was attached. "Well, my AniCop** says I still have 11 years before he comes along. What about you?"

"14 years." I said, then asked her again, "Are you nervous?"

"Hmm? Why would I be nervous? For anything, I'm excited! I mean, I get to meet my future husband in 11 years, how cool is that?"

I smiled. Sally always had an optimistic view upon things, and I guess I look at is the same as she does. Afterall, I get to meet the love of my life in 14 years, 143 days, 22 minutes and 31 seconds. What's the worst that could happen? 

"Yeah," I said. "I guess you're right." 

--- --- ---

*Anima Copulatrix means "Soul Connector" in Latin.

**Let's just call it that. Anima Copulatrix seems way too long.

A/N: My first ever story to be typed in this website. And I say it that way because I have, like, a billion story ideas in my head that are practically bursting out, ready to be written, but I just can't seem to get them together. This one was lucky enought to be written officially. And I do mean lucky.

As you may or may have not noticed, the idea of this story came from a tumblr post. This one:

I do not, I repeat, I do not own the post. I simply reblogged it. The idea fascinated me, so I decided to get a kick out of writing about the said idea. 

Anyway, I hope you guys liked it. :)

Votes and Comments are appreciated. You could become a fan too, if you're into that. ;)

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