♕ 12 ♕

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it is now the second time on the afternoon that donghyuck finds himself standing in front of mark bare-chested – well, not actually bare chested, but more in the process of wearing the very expensive lumen style robes that mark had purchased for him prior. and well, just like it had been the case hours before, the sight of donghyuck's frail body still had the same effect on the royal.

the future king of aes held his breath as he lets his hands drape the black and silvery fabric around donghyuck's body, making sure not to cage the boys' ribs too tightly in fear that they could break.

in the process, the back of his hands happens to brush against the tanned skin a few times, the light contact sending a pleasing tingle inside his own chest each time, unconsciously pushing him to do it again. perhaps was it selfish, to pretend like he wasn't doing it on purpose, but the amount of happiness and giddiness it provided him was enough to dissuade him of stopping. well, that was until...

"ah! it tickles!" the peasant exclaimed, his back arching a bit to get away from the royal's hands for a second. "your hands are cold."

the tip of mark's ears reddens at the sudden movement, retracting his hands and rubbing them together in an attempt to warm them up a bit. "sorry, i'll try being more careful."

"it's okay..." donghyuck then admits shyly, flashing mark a small smile before turning around again so that the boy can continue helping him wear his – well, definitely not his – clothes.

mark goes back to it, deciding not to be selfish anymore and properly tie the robes without dragging his hands across the other male's beautiful skin.

it doesn't take more than a minute for donghyuck to be fully dressed, the robes securely wrapped around his body in a way that highlighted his mesmerising curves, and the jacket topping the look perfectly. with donghyuck in those clothes and the way they fit him so perfectly, there was no way anyone could ever think that donghyuck was in fact a peasant. however, there were a few other details that they needed to consider before judging donghyuck actually ready.

"a-am i ready?" the peasant stuttered out, his eyes looking at his own reflection in disbelief in the mirror of mark's room. he somehow couldn't recognise himself. not only were the robesway too extravagant compared to what he usually wore, but more than their expensiveness, it had to be their shape that made it impossible for donghyuck to acknowledge that he was the one in the mirror. the fabric hugged his sides very tightly in a way that looked painful but in fact wasn't. it was as if these robes had been specifically made for him, to enhance the best parts of his body in a way that would make him a hundred times more elegant than how he would be in clothes in a straight cut.

"huh..." mark seemed to take a moment to look at donghyuck up and down as well, his eyes going from his head to his feet a few times more than normally acceptable – but donghyuck was that beautiful, so what did you expect from him? – before he cleared his throat and took a step closer to the tanned male. "we still have a few things to take care of. starting with your hair..."

the royal lifted his hand to reach for donghyuck's hair, gently brushing his fingers through the golden-brown locks that seemed to live a life of their own currently. donghyuck couldn't resist the urge to lean into the touch, allowing mark to end up patting his head adoringly, the same way you would do with a kitten.

"w-what about my hair?" donghyuck questioned "what do we have to do with them?"

"arrange them, so that they fit royal standards." mark explained simply. panic flashed through his eyes a second lather though, when he caught a glimpse of donghyuck's frown as the peasant had surely taken these words as negative. "not that your hair isn't beautiful, that's not what i meant. they're amazing, and soft and i always end up wondering how they are always looking so messy and yet perfect..."the royal ended up blabbering endless compliments. "...but... i guess it doesn't go with what lumen people usually look like, you know...?"

long live the king - nct, markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now