Chapter 1 : It's All About Me

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"Look at that one!" I laughed whilst pointing at a cloud that was in the shape of a turtle.

"I can't make out what that is? What is it supposed to be?" Cameron asked tilting his head slightly, he was adorable when he did that.

"A turtle you idiot" I said rolling my eyes at him, he nudged my side softly in return whilst looking at me with a playful look in his eyes.

"No! Don't you even dare!" I screeched whilst jumping up off Cameron's lap and backing away. He also jumped up with a big childish grin on his face.

"I'm sorry Rosalie, my hands just-" he purposefully jolted his hands towards me making out that they were controlling themselves "-have a mind of their own, oh no!"

All of a sudden he sprinted forward in my direction and gave me a big famous Cameron smile which he knew I adored, it was my favourite smile.

"Please Cameron don't!" I shouted whilst running away from him and running in circles around the field we were alone on. It was our field, no one ever came on it apart from us. I have no clue why though, it was beautiful, covered in loads of different flowers and surrounded by big tall trees. It was our special place.

Since I wasn't as fit as Cameron was, I got out of breath first and started to slow down a bit whilst running, big mistake. I felt his hands grab my waist and pull me back to him, and then that's when the torture began.

"Stop! No! Cam- no stop! Ah- oh my god!" I breathed trying to speak in between my laughter, he had pinned me on the grass so he was straddling my waist and that was the worst tickling position ever. I couldn't move and he was much stronger than I was.

"Do you apologise for calling me an idiot?" He said with his hands in the air getting ready to tickle me again, I couldn't take anymore, my stomach hurt from laughing way too much.

"Yes I apologise! I apologise! I can't take anymore" I said giving him an innocent smile with pleading eyes. He smiled back at me and then rolled onto his back taking me with him so that the positions were reversed.

Cameron gently grabbed both sides of my face and brought me down so he could reach up and kiss me. I sighed in content at the warmth his lips brought. "I'm in love with you" he said for the 100th time today. I could feel the blush creeping up on my cheeks.

"I know you aren't ready to say it back, but I want you to know that I'm ready to start a life with you Rosalie, whatever you want I'll give you it. Well, at least I'll try to" he finished giving me a little boyish grin.

I got up and started to pace slowly back and forth, Cameron propped himself up on his elbows watching me with an amused smile playing on his lips.

"Well, right now I would like to enjoy this lovely summers day with my boyfriend and show him a new trick I learnt with the football." I said giving him a proud smile.

Cameron loved football, like really loved it. He would bring a ball out to the field with us whenever we came up here, and it was kind of a common thing for him to teach me how to actually kick the ball without falling flat on my ass.

"Let's see what you got baby" he said running to his bag and getting the gold and white ball out that I have come to have a love and hate relationship with. Me and sports just didn't mix, at all, but I tried to stay up to date with football so I could understand what Cameron was going on about half of the time.

"It's a flip thing that Brody taught me, you are going to have to be patient with me." I said when he threw me the ball and sat back on the grass watching me carefully.

"It goes something like-" shit. "nope that was wrong" I said whilst watching the ball fly over the small wooden fence at one edge of the field that separated the little thin road and the edge of the grass.

I heard Cameron chuckle behind me and felt his lips press against the back of my head and then he was in front of me walking towards the fence.

"I guess I'll get that, what were you even trying to do?" He laughed, walking backwards so he was facing me whilst speaking. I scowled at him, I did try my best.

"I was trying to impress you" I said mocking a sad pout, he grinned at me in return. I was so lucky to call this boy mine, how he puts up with me I don't know.

Cameron picked up the ball from the other side of the thin road and started to make his way back to me.

"You're cute for trying. You know, maybe you should-"

"No!" I screamed jolting up in my bed. Every thought, word, feeling and touch was so realistic every time, making me feel like I was living in that moment once again, that's what hurt me the most.

"Rose? Oh god Rose, you are okay, I'm here" My over-protective step mother said to me once she had entered my room and noticed that my cheeks were soaked with tears.

"I'm fine, okay? Can you leave?" I said holding my hands out so she wouldn't get any closer to me than she already was. Crying was for the weak, and I am most certainly not weak.

"Rose, please, just let me comfort you" Helen said with tears threatening to spill over. Just as I was about to answer, my dad entered the room rubbing his eyes. Great. Two is company, three is a crowd as the saying goes.

"Rose, this isn't healthy, you waking up screaming, that's when you even get sleep that is. You aren't sleeping properly, you haven't since..." He finished not saying the last part.

Helen looked at me sadly, rubbed my dads shoulder in a comforting gesture, and then left the room, leaving me and my dad in an awkward silence.

"It's been a year today." I said to mostly myself whilst staring at my plain purple walls, I couldn't feel anything. I felt my dads eyes on me, he was probably expecting me to brake down or something, but I wasn't going to. I wasn't the little girl he once knew and loved anymore.

"Can you leave? You are hovering around and its annoying me. I'm fine." I said to him with no emotion in my voice. Cutting straight to the point was the only way to get him to leave me alone.

I heard him sigh and then heard my door click shut. Loneliness is bliss. Glancing at my alarm clock on my bedside table I noticed it was 5am and it was Friday. College would be starting in 2 hours.


Only a small chapter to see how it goes, please comment and tell me what you think:)

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