Table of Contents

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The story starts with a one-night stand

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The story starts with a one-night stand...

                    Ch1: The Night I Can't Forget

In his arms, she felt a fleeting sense of security. 

Beyond the support of his broad shoulders, the whole world seemed distant. 

Under his wings, it felt as if there was nothing to worry about, 

nothing worth worrying about. 

It was a feeling one could easily become addicted to. 

A captivating sense of security, yet it was enveloped in an aura of danger.

                     Ch2: Over-the-Shoulder Throw

The alcohol had slightly clouded her eyes, 

but it couldn't hide that glimmer of light in them. 

A glimmer of defiance, like a warrior about to duel, 

provoking the opponent with faint disdain. 

It was that challenge from her that made him drop the pretense, 

take the first step, and close the distance between them.

                     Ch3: The Cat and Mouse Game

... the head nestled against her began to nuzzle, 

and his hand on her back started to gently stroke. 

The blood from his forehead smudged her T-shirt, 

but she seemed not to notice, 

staring down at the swirl of his hair like a black hole pulling her soul.

                     Ch4: The Persistent Tagalong

This man—either he didn't show up at all, 

or he appeared just when she was trying to move on. 

Had she owed him a fortune in her past life, 

for him to haunt her like this?

All's Fair in War

                     Ch5: Battle Between Men and Women

                     Ch6:  Who's the Mistress?

                     Ch7: You Are My Girlfriend

                     Ch8: Someone's Blissful Love Life

Whoever Cares First, Loses

                     Ch9: Wayward Soul Finally Settled

                     Ch10: Where Are the Good Men?

                     Ch11: Heaven and Hell

                     Ch12: If I hadn't met you

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