Do I smell jealousy

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bach pov:
"Bach" ariana shouted.I turned my head seeing my best friends walking up.
"ari,justin,selly.wat yall doing."
"nun just bored"selena said with sass.yes she's a drama queen.
"are we still going camping for spring break?"I said curious.
"that's tomorrow idiot."justin said laughing. After that we heard the bell and went to class.

ariana pov: Class was so boring but I kept doing the work. The teacher came around the classroom to check papers and I looked over at a sleeping selena and laughed. I started to shake her to wake her up.
s: five more mins
a: the teacher is coming arond to look at papers and here she comes

Selena looked up and by now the whole class was looking at her.
teacher: miss gomez why havent you started your work
s: really funny story
teach: what is it then
s: I dropped my pencil on the ground and couldnt find it therefore i didnt feel like moving.
t: But your pencil is on your desk.
s:ummm... acuohhhhhh
t: miss gomez are you ok?
s: ummm no my noise hurts.
t: well go to the nurse room and you can finish your test in study hall ,ok.
s:yes mam.
With that selena got up and went go the nurse office. I dont know how see does that but i want to learn. The bell rung meaning lunch so i left and went to the table with the boys.

justin pov: As we were planning the trip selena walked over to us sitting down.
So you finally wanted to join us.i said teasingly.she winked at me and started to talk to us as I stared at her.

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