₊· ͟͟͞͞➳Boo, Responsibility! Scary!

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The morning started off quietly,
the kind of peace that almost feels too good to last.
You rolled out of bed, the faint smell of coffee drifting from downstairs,
and threw on something casual before heading down to join the others for breakfast.

The table was already set—a pile of scrambled eggs, toast, and some slightly overcooked bacon.

Swansea sat at the head of the table, reading the paper like it was a lazy Sunday, while Jimmy and Daisuke sat as far apart as possible, already shooting glares at each other.


As you sipped your coffee, your mind wandered back to the night before. You'd stayed up with Anya, both of you wrapped in blankets, chatting like old friends.
You'd learned so much about her in just a few hours.

Anya wasn't just the nurse you'd originally pictured her as—the one who always seemed calm and collected in the chaos.

No, there was so much more to her.

She stayed up late most of the night,
either studying something obscure that piqued her interest or vibing to her favorite playlists, completely lost in her own world.

She admitted she had a bad habit of getting too focused on things and forgetting to sleep, but somehow she still managed to keep it together.

You both bonded over the most random stuff—reality TV shows, comparing notes on what type of mascara actually worked without clumping, and even swapping stories about embarrassing moments you'd never tell the guys.

She had this way of making you feel like you weren't just at camp—you were part of something bigger.
By the end of the night, it felt like you'd known her forever.

As a room, you two got along surprisingly well, even with your differences. It was easy, comforting in a way that balanced out the chaos of the day.

Unlike the disaster zone that was Jimmy and Daisuke.

Those two couldn't go five minutes without bickering over something dumb.
Jimmy thought Daisuke was an absolute pain in the ass, and Daisuke seemed to take that as a personal challenge to annoy him even more.

You could only imagine the chaos that went on in their room, but one thing was clear: the two of them together was like putting a lit match
near a gas tank.

Now, as the morning sunlight filtered through the cabin windows more, you couldn't help but wonder how long this fragile peace would last.

With this group?

Probably not long.

After breakfast was mostly finished and the plates were being stacked into a haphazard pile near the sink,
Curly stood up from his seat at the head of the table, clapping his hands together for attention.

Everyone groaned in unison.

Anytime Curly clapped like that,
it meant one thing—work.
Hard, unforgiving, soul-sucking labor.

"All right, listen up!"
Curly began, his voice loud and cheerful in a way that made you instantly regret not sneaking off to nap instead of sticking around for whatever announcement he was about to make.

𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒍𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 | 𝑫𝒂𝒊𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒆 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now