Chapter 5

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As they reached the bottom they heard a deep voice.

"Who is that Yoselin." Said a mysterious man. He had short blonde hair and thin cracked glasses with a tank top on with some sweat stained and some sweatpants as well. He looked as if he just worked out.

"Oh my gosh is this her Yoselin?!" Imani yells running over to them.

"What's happening..." The blue haired boy said leaning on the blonde-haired boy slightly while yawning still in his pajamas.

"Guys this is Akira Pines!" Yoselin said has a cat was purring at the bottom of her legs wanting attention.

"No way. You survived this?!" The blue haired boy exclaimed shocked. Walking towards Akira

"Yea... Do I know you?" Akira said annoyed crouching down to pet the cat

"Yeah. - It's me... Skylar..." The blue haired boy now known as Skylar said a slight worry in his voice. Akira just stared shocked not saying anything while just looking up at Skylar.

"Who wants dessert?" Imani said happily to break the silence.

"ME!" Akira screamed smiling widely then quickly covering her mouth after realizing how loud she was her face slightly flushing with embarrassment. Imani quickly took Akira's hand dragging her to the kitchen where delicious looking ice cream Sundays were sitting on the table. there were only four so Akira looked a little disappointed then she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. I don't like sweets you can have mine" Yoselin said smiling softly at Akira and Akira quickly said a thanks you and sat down at the ice cream Sunday starting to eat it as everyone else does as well the blonde-haired boy still looking at Akira with suspicion.

"Akira this is Skylar as you already know! The blondie is William, and the other person is Imani!" Yoselin said pointing at each while Akira avoided Skylar's gaze which made poor Skylar a little sad. William took notice quickly and glared at Akira for making Skylar even the slightest bit sad. Akira didn't notice. It was pretty much one-sided beef between William and Akira.

"Akira once you finish, I can show you to your room alright?" Yoselin said only getting a nod back from Akira.

Word count: 358

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