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White, all around me is white. White walls, white sheets, white tile floors. All so plain yet can remind me of everything and make me feel everything but feel nothing at the same time. My room is eerily quiet but outside of these walls its all rustle and bustle I could here the frantic murmurs through the thick dark wooden door. As if on cue the large door opened and in walked my doctor I see all too often, Dr.Spevik,
"How are you today Jason?"
"What do you think?" I replied cooly.
"Well considering the situation I'd say not too good." He said with an almost parental and disappointed tone.
"And Bingo was his name-o" I said as Dr.Spevik sat on the spinny black stool that are almost mandatory in a doctor or hospital room.
"You know how this usually goes I give you the whole health speech and how you need to start talking to someone but that never seems to help so I'm going to start having you see a therapist.


"What's your name?" Was the second question my therapist had asked me a hour into my session. I glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time in the last 4 minutes the time was going agonizingly slow. I had an hour left, 59 minutes and 59 seconds, 58,57-. He looked at me expectantly as if he were a parent."Don't they give you all my information?" I asked dryly.
"Oh so he speaks, we're finally getting somewhere."

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