Pass Away

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Pass away, pass away

Every thought a captive,

Every sharp word active,

Pass away, pass away.

There is a clock upon a hill,

That clangs aloud when mind is still,

It only ever seems to say,

"Pass away, pass away."

Moments, seconds, minutes, hours,

Pealing from its lofty towers,

Calling time at dusk, at day,

The hours hours pass away.

In our own minds like the clock,

In our own minds clang a thought,

Speeding quick but weakly wrought,

Pass away, pass away.

And like sailing ghostly ships,

Clanging, angling towards our lips,

Come thoughts to which I need say,

"Pass away, pass away."

Careful careful least it take,

Captive me and pris'ner make,

This clanging tongue now gone astray,

Pass away, pass away.

Seeking searching can it be-

A scripture with a remedy?

These vain hollow thoughts can't stay,

Pass away, pass away.

Pass away, pass away

Every thought a captive,

Every sharp word active,

Pass away, pass away.

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