CH 2 - You know who I am?

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"Here's some music for you." 

Aurora hears Will, her race engineer, speak over the radio. "YES." she exclaims as she hears the song FASHION by Britney Manson starts to play. She immediately quickens her pace as she overtakes George Russell.  The practice was almost done and she was currently in P5, which in perspective was relatively good. But in her eyes, it wasn't enough, she had to do better. As she quickened her pace she slowly was coming up; behind Lewis Hamilton, who was in P4. There were 2 minutes left and she had just passed the finish mark, leaving her in sector one. If she couldn't make it top 3, she could at least make it to P4.

Her current top time was 1:34, just .213 milliseconds away from P1. She slammed on the gas pedal as hard as she could for as long as she could to avoid crashing or going off track. She was in sector 2 coming up on the first DRS zone. She was currently doing good on time as she was informed that she was .189 milliseconds ahead of her top time. All she needed to do was stay in that time range and she would make it to P3 easily. She was making the final turn on sector 2 when she made a small spin. Fortunately she was able to slow down fast enough to where she didn't come close to hitting the wall. She loudly cursed herself as she made a quick recovery. 

She tried as hard as she could to go faster as she passed the second DRS. She quickly flew past Lewis as she made her final turn toward the finish line. As soon as she passed the line, time ran out. Her final time was 1:33.301, just making to to P3. She signed in relief as she knew she did the best she could and was well rewarded in the end. Even though it was a practice, she was still happy with her victory.

As she got out of her car in the pit lane, she was quickly congratulated my most of her team members as they huddled around her. She eventually saw Will and walked up to him to give him a hug. "You did good out there today. Really good." He said with a smile as he hugged onto her for a few seconds. As soon as she backed away she flipped her braid behind her head and sarcastically said, "I know, I know, I'm just too good, undefeated even." sarcastic sass laced in her voice. After saying her hello's and thanks to a few people she was quickly dragged away by her physical trainer who had her take off her suit and get in an ice bath. As she walked into the room she saw Oscar already getting in.

"Hey, really good recovery out there today." he complimented with a smile as he shivered when he first got in. "Thanks, you did well out there today as well." she gave him a soft smile as she finally settled into the ice bath. She shivered as she got in but eventually the cold subsided. The physical trainers had decided to play some relaxing music to unwind from the hyper-extreme race today. The first song to come on was The Night We Met by Lord Huron. As soon as she relaxed she was interrupted by her physical therapist saying she could get out. How 10 minutes had already past could not be explained by Aurora because she felt like she had been in there for 2 minutes. She was given a towel and some clothes to change into as she was escorted to another room for some privacy. She dried herself off and quickly changed into the outfit given. It was her black sweatpants from earlier today and a McLaren jersey along with her jewelry, a hat, and some converses. She changed  and quickly did her hair in a ponytail before heading out to the paddock. 

She was just taking a walk around after the race. She did that some times because it calmed her down after the exciting race. She decided to pop into the hospitality area above the paddock. It was exclusively reserved for those part of the paddock club so there shouldn't be many people there, considering the price is insanely high. As she approached the door she found security already there to walk in with her. How they knew she was coming there, she couldn't tell you. As she walked through the door she was greeted by a largely sized room with circular dining tables with people sitting at almost every table. She was surprised they hadn't left yet considering the race was over. 

She was quickly noticed and people started coming up to her asking for pictures, autographs, etc. she made her made her way throughout the room with security following close behind. She met many people and because she had some time on her hand she decided to have some conversations along the way. She made her way to the other side of the room and spotted a familiar face. "Hey Grizzy, Enjoy the race?" she found him and his friend sitting at a table in front of the window. "Oh my god. You scared me, my bad." she laughed as she saw him get jump scared for a second before quickly putting his hand over his chest. "Sorry about that, mate. You alright?" Her British accent came through her laugh as she softly put a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, great. What are you doing up here? Don't you have work to do?" He turned and smiled up  at her. "I mean, technically, yes. But I'm avoiding my responsibilities because I can." she replied as she gave him a sarcastic smile. 

She heard him chuckle before hearing another voice saying, "You really weren't kidding, you really did meet Aurora Cromwell." she recognized the voice as Droid and she quickly looked up to him. "Yeah! Nice to meet you Droid. Big fan of your content." She explained with a warm and welcoming smile that was just contagious. "YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" He yelled  just loud enough to turn some heads close to them. "Yeah, I know who all of you are. I watch all of you guys on YouTube. I would tune in on twitch but i just don't have time to see it live. I still try to support you guys whenever I can though." She said as she chuckled at the look of pure shock and confusion on most of the boys faces. "This is absolutely wild. I'm a big fan of you." Puffer said as he took out his phone and asked for a picture to which she said yes, of course. The other two boys after asked for pictures too and droid asked for a video of her saying to subscribe to ElasticDroid. "Subscribe to ElasticDroid. Give him all of your money. Do it, you won't." She took the video showing a hilarious angle of her and gave the phone back to him. She talked for a little while longer before deciding it was time to actually do some work. "Well, I have to go, it was wonderful talking to you guys. Also please post the pictures you took with me. I really want them because I'm fans of you guys." She laughed as she said her final goodbyes and walked out of the paddock club, walking off to find her PR manager because she know she wanted to film some content and get some pictures.

WORDS : 1269

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