The arguement

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( This chapter is going to be Yaten's POV)
I was discreetly trying to look at the picture I had taken of (y/n) that day in the park. Having hidden it in my favorite book it was never discovered by Taiki and more importantly Seiya. 'I'm glad Seiya wouldn't touch a book in her life. Other wise she'd take a liking to "my (y/n)".'
I hear the door open and then shut. Seiya's back from her exploring...Great. "You're in a great mood. Something good happen?" Seiya sighs and looks at Taiki. "I met an interesting girl. I might have even taken a liking to her!" 'Typical Seiya...' She seemed to have noticed (somehow) that I wasn't actually reading, because as soon as she finished spilling the details she grabbed my book and with the book came the picture. "This is her!!" She looked shocked. "Yaten you have to introduce me~" No way in hell was Yaten going to give you up. She wanted to know you better for the reason that you didn't fall for her instantly because of her looks. She wanted to see more of that shy girl she met in the park that day. "Back off!" I growled. "You have "your" odango!" I had snapped at Seiya before but this was new. "I'm interested and it didn't seem like she was taken or anything and I want her. Do you think she'll take you over me?" The taller of the two glared down and smirked.  That does it!! Before I could say anything Taiki cut me off.  "That is enough you two!! We'll discuss this later but for now we have a concert to do, so cut the crap and let's go!" Can this day get any worse?

( Ignore the picture (/)///(\) )
( and I'm really sorry for the way I wrote Seiya!!! But I think that when ever she's interested in a person she won't let anything get in her way.....sorry if she ooc I'll try to write her in character)

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