Vamp!UnBalance x Balance

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Warnings: mentions and descriptions of blood, injury, slight personality change, Boy X Boy, and anything I missed!

As you can see this is a ship chapter. In this Au Unbalnce when starved has a different personality that goes back to normal after he eats.


POV: Unbalance

"Oh come on. Already? I just ate like a month ago." I said as my stomach growled to show me it is empty . . . Ok so I probably should feed soon but I don't want to bother Balance. And I refuse to pick someone else! I hate change. Balance most likely wouldn't let me anyway. My stomach growls again. I sighed not wanting to bother Balance as he is probably in his house resting for once. I begin the walk to Balance's house making sure no one is watching. I don't need anyone else to know about my little secret one person is enough.

I quickly go into his house through the open window we agreed that I'd use for situations like this. I don't see Balance so he has to be upstairs. I go to the stairs and up them all the way. As I listened for Balance or his dog Bally I could hear light snoring. Balance was definitely asleep. That only made it harder to ask for his help.

I don't really want to wake him but I also don't want to go any longer without blood. Apparently, something woke him up anyway as he caught me by surprise saying "Hungry already?" He must have seen the flash of surprise that crossed my face as right after he said "Don't worry you didn't wake me I just had a bad dream."

That just made me feel worse. "It was about you not eating when you needed to so you almost died, idiot." Balance had told me to stop me from doing, well exactly what his dream was supposedly about. "Why is it so hard for me to get your help with this?" I grumbled under my breath which led to him asking "What?" in a tiered voice.

There was a moment of silence between us. I don't know about him but for me it was an awkward one. Balance was the first to say something "Are we starting or what?" I know you're probably starving." I was hesitant on weather or not I should be eating right now. Maybey this was a bad idea. "I don't want to accidentally hurt you like I did the first time you found out." I said. I tried to slowly go back down the stairs.

To bad Balance saw and responded with "Don't even think you can get away that easily." as he grabbed my shirt and pulled me onto the edge of his bed. Dang it Balance I can smell blood already. He must have made a cut on himself at some point. "I know you can smell it. Drink." Balnce said as he put his left wrist to my face.

This is where I am smelling the scent of blood from. I can see that this is where he made the cut. It's just dipping that sweet, delicious, red, BLODD! I couldn't stop myself, I grabbed his wrist and sank my fangs into his skin and flesh. Getting that oh-so-sweet blood that tasted like sugar. I could hear Balance gasp behind me. "Y-you really were hungry weren't you huh?" Balance hissed out,

After a few seconds, he tries to pull away but I latch on tighter to his wrist so he can't get away. This earned me a light smack to my chest, as he is hugging me from behind with his other arm. I keep drinking his blood for some more minutes until I'm satisfied. "Ow." I hear him say behind me after I released his wrist from my blood-stained mouth. "Thanks for the meal Light." I tell him getting up and stretching.

Balance looked like he would have been pouting from the loss of physical contact if it wasn't for the fact he looked like he was going to pass out. "I don't know how you are able to drink that much blood in such a short time." Balnce said as he tended to his bloody wrist. "I don't know either but I love how I am more like myself now that I'm full." I say giving him a glare.

He understood what that glare was for as he said "Don't worry I won't say anything as I know you'll never let me live anything down anymore." "Good. I hate being timid and worried for gosh dang reason. I don't want anyone using that as blackmail like I know energy would" I said

"I'm going to sleep now. Bye Dark." Balance yawned out as laid back down on his bed. I just gave him a grunt in response. I went downstairs and out the front door not caring if anyone saw. I went to my house to water my cactus as it needed to be watered.


The end! Hope you enjoyed. I actually had this done before the request :)

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