SDABB 3 - "Somebody That I Used To Know"

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"Come on," Monroe advises as he struts down the narrow hallway leading to Blake's room. When I continue walking my usual slow pace, he reaches back and yanks my arm forward. I whimper, and trip over my dusty Doc Martens. Before I reach the ground, Monroe reaches out and snatches my arm, pulling my knees from the floor. What is with these boys and catching things?

"Wow Kennedy, you're a walking hazard."

I straighten my clothing out angrily and continue walking past his figure. My face fumes, and I try to maintain my anger. "Wouldn't have been if you wouldn't have pulled me" I muse to myself. He stops walking, and turns to me. His eyes glint, as he throws his head back and laughs.

"Oooh, Cupcake's got tongue!"



I really need to work on that whole talking out loud thing. Heat spreads through my cheeks and I.turn away from him, focusing my eyes on the smooth white of the walls. Soon, he finds my eyes and grabs my hand, linking my fingers between his with his. I pull from his grip and step backwards. The cold wall bumps my back, cornering me. He grins at me, and brushes my cheek with his thumb. His expression softens into a much more comfortable gaze, replacing the rejected look of before. Once again his fingers lace through mine and he speaks, "Hold it so next time you won't trip."

I nod and follow his stride as he steps back from the wall and tugs my fingers. Every few seconds he looks down at me, and smiles. In those situations I try and smile, but fail and resemble someone with twitching issues. And in those same circumstances my heart thumps in my chest so loud, I know he can hear it. Oh God, his hands are so soft. I should ask him what lotion he uses.. Or, I could ask Blake. I bet his hands are soft...Maybe Jergens...Or Nivea. I bet he uses Nivea.



While other girls would be imagining Blake's chest, I was imagining his hands.

When we finally reach Blake's room Monroe opens the door and leads me inside shutting it behind him. I stare up at him, and release my fingers from his hold.

"Hand me your backpack," he says, lying down on the large bed. I push the straps off of my shoulders, and sling it on the mattress by his body. He unzips it and looks through the textbooks shoved inside. I stand there awkwardly, taking in Blake's room. It's almost bigger than my house. The blue walls can barely be seen through the band posters decorating the walls. White plush carpet is splattered with crumpled pieces of paper. I pick one up, undo the wrinkles, and read the handwriting.

Now and then I think of

when we were together

Like when you said

You felt so happy

you could die

Told myself That you were

right for me But felt

So lonely In your company

But that was love

And it's ache I still remember-- 

Suddenly, the paper is torn from my hands. It slides across my fingertips and slices four deep cuts, sending cherry red blood gushing through my hands like water. My eyes flash to the culprit. Blake stands behind me his hazel eyes narrowed at my figure.

 I can't get anything right today, can I?

He looks big and intimidating compared to my figure.

"What's wrong, Kennedy? Cat got your tongue?"

I step back from him, and stutter an apology, "S-sorry! I don't know it was yours!" His glare softens a measure before it bounces back to its original, angry state. He chuckles a cold laugh, "Yeah, it just happened to be in my room." My mouth forms an 'O', and I step backwards, but trip over my still untied shoelace. Monroe leaps up from the bed, and stands in between Blake and I. Blake doesn't flinch a bit, and continues staring down at me. In those quick five seconds I can feel my insecurities surface.

I bet I look hideous compared to the girls he dates. He probably has supermodels drooling at his feet. I'm so bland. He probably thinks I'm repulsive.

Monroe wraps his arm around my waist, and lightly pushes me out of the room. I look at him, and perform one of my weird twitching-spasm smiles. He laughs a hearty laugh, and tells me, "Go home, and get some rest. Blake'll pick you up in the morning. Bring an overnight bag."

I nod, and shuffle down the hallways. I hear the doors close and I freeze in my tracks.

Bring an overnight bag?! 




I know, I know hideously short.

The lyrics in this chapter are from the song Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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