Not This Timeline

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Episode 5 Season 2

Songs to listen to while reading this:

Number One Girl by Rosé

right where you left me by Taylor Swift

Have We Met Before? by Sarah Barrios and Eric Nam

Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Alex Sloan

(A/N) I cried making this, so you know it'll be good. Thank you for reading my first Lokius fic!

"What's wrong with wanting something Loki? What do you want?" Sylvie looked at me questioningly. What the hell was I supposed to say? The truth? Well... if there were any time to do that it would be now.

But I chickened out.

"I-I want to stop he who remains." I stuttered. Sylvie saw through me immediately. "No. Wrong. Try again. What is it that you really want? Come on." She persisted. I panicked. What else could I say?

"I want to save this... I want to save everything. All of it." I managed to get out. Sylvie didn't roll her eyes like I thought she would. She genuinely wanted to know, even though she probably knew the answer. "Is it really that hard? Come on. Keep trying!" She kept pushing for me to say what was really happening. I didn't want to. I wasn't ready. But it wasn't the time for me not being ready, it was now or never.

"I want to save the TVA."


"I-I want the TVA back."


I heard the bartender ask something but it went in one ear and out the other.

"I want my friends back!" I blurted out. Sylvie said something to the bartender but I didn't pick it up. My eyes stayed closed as my ears ringed. My brain was full of static and I broke out in a cold sweat. I wasn't used to this at all. Being vulnerable was not my strong suit.

"Anything else?" Sylvie asked. I gulped. I knew it wasn't a question, more of a fact that there was indeed something else. I paused, not wanting to say anything. "Loki, I think I already know what you're gonna say. Just say it."

"I want Mobius back at the TVA... where he belongs and can be happy. Even if it's without me. It's his home, and I tore him from it. I wish he could just go back to the TVA and forget about me and all I've done."

Uninvited tears fell out of my eyes. Sylvie put a hand on my shoulder as I wiped my eyes. "Loki... that place on Midgard is his home now, he's safe there. Nothing will happen to him or his family there." She whispered, trying to comfort me. "But... but I don't want him there! I want him with me! I love him, okay?! I just want the best for him." More tears rolled down my cheeks and I wiped them and I looked at my hands with a face of disgust. 

"I don't cry Sylvie... and I'm crying over this man who I'm just hopelessly in love with, and I can't have him! 'He's just a man, nothing important' Is what I tell myself so I can love him less but I know that he's so much more than just a man! He's my whole world and he was taken from me!"

"Loki... I'm sorry. I am, truly sorry for this. He loved you too and you two deserved to be happy together. But he belongs to the timeline now. And it's gonna sting. It stings everyone who met him at the TVA because he was so kind and caring... but it's out of our hands. I'm sorry Loki. Maybe in another universe he's yours."

She chugged the shot the bartender gave her and walked away. I drank my shot and felt the tears pour down my face. I squeezed my eyes shut. I wish I never met him. I wish I never picked up the damned Tesseract. Hulk crushing me to death would've felt better than this pain, this heartbreak. He loved me. And I loved him... But now he belongs to his timeline. Not me. 

(A/N) Thank you for reading this first chapter! I'm gonna try and write a second chapter soon... hope you enjoyed this one though!

Word Count: 687

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2024 ⏰

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