The Sekai Taikai

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Bold - Korean

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Bold - Korean


YOON SEO-JUN stood in the arena, as the man announced. "Welcome, competitors, senseis, sponcors and esteemed guests to Barcelona" the excitement was pakpable "This years home of the greatest karate tournament, The Sekai Taikai!"

The crowd cheered at the name, a mix of awe and anticipation echoing through the cavernous space. The light shone down on us. "The Sekai Taikai boasts a rich and proud history. And if you are here, it's because you embody all that the Sekai Taikai stands for" The announcement paused "Leadership, respect, and sportsmanship"

"Captains, step forward and tie on your headbands" He instructed, gesturing to the center of the arena. Tory, Kwon, and I took a step forward putting on our headbands, smirking at the Miyagi Do captains "Captains, you will have the honor and privilege to compete in out televised tournament of champions" I smirk seeing some of the Miyagi Do students fall

"But that is only if your dojo does well enough in our team competition to make it to the final four" The announcer's voice grew sterner, his eyes sweeping over the captains

"Once the tournament is over, we will then tally all the points your dojo has earned" He announced "Tge dojo with the most points, wins the Sekai Taikai" I smirk knowing that this dojo is going to win

"But today, it's about enjoying our host city and making new friends" He glanced around the room slightly "Or enemies"

"We have a field trip arranged for our competitors. And for our sensei's, a cocktail mixer with our distinguished sponsors" The announcer's voice grew more jovial "Some of the world's finest martial arts brands"

"It's a beautiful dat tro make a first impression. And I suggest you enjoz it, because tomorrow, your lives will change forever"

"When is he going to stop talking? He's voice is so annoying" I whisper next to Kwon, making him laugh a bit

"Goodluck. And welcone to the Sekai Taikai!"

"Hais, he finally finished. Thank god" Kwon said making Seo-jun laugh with him, while Tory was looking at them with a 'what the fuck' face


ARRIVING AT THE HOTEL, we saw the Miyagi Do student's and Kwon walked up to them, making the rest of us follow him

"Wow, so you are the famous Miyagi Do" Kwon said his voice surprise "We have heard about you" He added "But We don't see why? You do not look like much" I said smirking next to Kwon

"Yeah? You'll see better when you step on the mat" A boy with a American Mohawk said

All of us just stood there, looking suprise "He looks like an idiot with that mohawk. Is that supposed to be an American flag?" Seo-jun said, making the rest of the team chuckle

The boy who had a Mohawk said "What's so funny huh?"

"Nothing do not get so defensive, we are just messing around" Kwon said

A boy with a curly hair pulled the mohawk boy by the shoulders, "C'mon guys it's worth it" "Miguel's right. Forget about them, okay? They're just any other dojo here" A boy with jacket said pulling the boy to them

Tory then walked past them making the Miyagi Do students looking at her way, a boy with the jacket look and follow her

"Tory. Hey, wait"

We purposely bump into the Miyagi Do and Hyung scared the skinny boy. We walked to the elevator to see the jacket boy standing there looking at where Tory just go "Look at this idiot" Kwon said and laugh


WE ARRIVED AT OUR DESTINATION; an aquarium. I always wanted to go here as a kid, buut my parents always told me to stay focus on karate or I am just going to be a disappointment. It was nice, seeing all the different kind of fish, sharks, and other things. As we moved through the exhibits.

"Captains, gather around!" a man holding a camera called out. We were herded into a group photo, we were all smiling awkwardly

"You there in the back, smile" the photographer instructed. I looked behind my shoulder to see the guy, and see he put on a uncomfortable smile. The photo was taken, and Tory walked off "Captain my ass" Kwon said his voice like a whisper but I still heard it. I looked beside me to see a beautiful girl not shorter than my shoulders, she was cute. But I do not need distraction.

A couple of minutes later, I was walking around the aquarium until I heard a voice called out "You're looking a little lonely there" I turned around to see the girl "Where is you're team?" She said

"I do not know, I was exploring." I said trying to be cool and all but I was really nervous, a pretty girl like her was talking to me, alone.

"I didn't introduced my self, I am Zara Malik" She said pulling out her hand fomr a hand shake

"I am Yoon Seo-jun" I shoke her hand, feeling it was very soft, our hands didn't break for a 20 seconds. Untik she finally pulled her hand away

"TEAM USA, USA USA" we heard chants on the other room, making me said "I will go now. I have to check on my team" making her nod and walk away before saying "I wil see you on the mat" she said and blowed me a kiss, walking away

I stand there in a flush, a small blush crept into my face. Before shooking it out, I go to the other room and see The Miyagi Captain jump kick on some kind of board, he kick and he was the highest of all. Kwon notice my appearance and said "Who want to see the other captain kick?" Cheers went on and he handed me a chalk, "Yah, kick well" Hyung said making me nod. I walked to the center not before putting chalk on my shoes, I took a deep breath and had a running start and spin kick. Loud awes were heard of the room. I turned to see my kick was higher than the rest of them all combined

Kwon look at the Captain of Miyagi Do and pulled outr his hand to expect him to give him someting, the captain sighed and pulled out a key card. Handing me one.

" Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai!" My teammates chant before leaving




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2024 ⏰

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