Episode 5

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Peter is with Gwen talking about Harry but this time, Gwen is captured by Kraven because now he knows who Spider-Man is. We get into this big fight between them. After saving Gwen, Peter gets a call from Eddie about the story saying that it’s almost due. Peter tells him to  meet at the Bronx Zoo so he does but Peter is nowhere to be found  unless you see him fighting Kraven.

So now it’s Peter, Gwen and Eddie on the case because Gwen is Peter’s girl in the chair. Gwen does research on Kraven and finds out that Kraven’s real name is Erik Kravenoff who is a hunter from Wakanda cousin to Black Panther. The reason I chose Peter, Gwen and Eddie here is to have that trio dynamic but Eddie is more trying to get close to Gwen as we established

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