Where to start

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As the day's progress I find out that I'm becoming well the only word that is coming to my mind is emotionless. Im not sure if that is the right word for this situation. Every night before going to bed I spend at least an hour thinking of you and how you made me feel. You made me feel as if I was on a vacation from my reality. When you left me home it didn't feel right I felt as if I was succumbed into this wretched of a life I have. We started snap chatting days where passing by and well I started falling for you even tho I didn't see you in person I got so excited when my phone would ring and would see that it was you. I started asking you how was your work day and if you had anything to eat at all. Your dieting was poor it probably still is but I do hope it got better. I told you one day that I really wanted to talk to you. So I sent you my number. You replied with "what is it you wanna talk about?" I didn't wanna tell you how I just wanted to hear your voice and to hear your laugh. So I just told you not to worry about it just to call me ASAP. You told me you where getting anxious and I told you I was getting anxious just to talk to you. So you told me "I'll call you tomorrow after I get out of work" when I read those words I got so happy just to fathom the thought of you calling me made me want to jump up and down right then and there. So I went to sleep that night great. That morning I woke up waiting patiently thinking "okay I'll get the call around 4". 4 o'clock came around nothing I got a little concerned but I shrugged it off and thought you might have gotten held at work 5 came along nothing 6,7,8 not one single thing from you I sent you a message on snapchat. You opened it... But never replied. Right then and there I should've known that I should have just forgotten you. I went to bed that night feeling shitty. Tuesday came I sent you a Good morning snap. Hours passed by you didn't open it that night came I sent you a Goodnight still no reply nothing. Days progressed and I didn't hear from you. Every single night that passed I stay up an extra hour just thinking about how come you never replied. Or why didn't you open my snaps. What did I do wrong? Was I not enough?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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