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The stench of raw sewerage and rotten food built to a choking height as John and Semila made their way, street by ever dimmer street, to the darker more secluded part of town. The part where rogues lurked in the shadows and a knife in the back was commonplace.

'Why here?' Sem asked, 'And why did we have to steal these clothes? They stink, and...oh fuck, I think they have fleas and lice. Fucking great, I now have fleas and lice.' She tugged at her dilapidated cloak in disgust.

John shook his head and scratched at his armpit. 'You really do whinge a lot considering you're a tough-ass guardian angel.'

Sem humphed and stomped on. Something squished under her foot and John swallowed a snicker at the disdain plain as day on her face.

'I don't even want to fucking know what that was,' she growled as she shook her foot clean of the offending garbage, nose wrinkling.

John pulled his popped jacket collar closer to his face. The material itched. He scratched at his jaw--still felt weird having stubble--then his stomach itched. The thought of fleas and lice scurrying on his skin threw him into a deep shiver, but it was something he was willing to endure if it meant meeting his next target.

He had heard the whispers, some called John an assassin. John smiled. 'How can I be an assassin when I am being asked to do what I do by the big man himself?'

The dimly lit street seemed to stretch on forever, a series of dark gaps interspersed with yellow halos of lamppost light.

'Are you sure this is the way?' Sem's voice echoed in the empty street. 'It's just that I think we've been here before, it's kind 'a familiar.' She folded her arms across her chest, her coat tugged tightly about her.

A horse and carriage clattered by, splashing muck and mud on them in a spray as they jumped out of its way. The driver glanced back nervously, his hat tilted over his one eye, the reins tight in his grip. Afraid, perhaps?

John smirked. 'Well...' He ogled the cramp, rickety shanties all around him. 'It should do Sem, it hasn't always been such a shit hole. It's now a bustling city.'

Sem cocked her head to one side, looking rather bedraggled with her face partially muddied and her hair dripping with brown liquid he hoped was mostly mud.

John laughed and showed about the street with a gesture. 'Welcome to Victorian London, Sem.'

Sem was about to speak when men appeared at the bottom of the street. Mist from the open sewers swirled up around their knees and they were silhouetted by a brighter light from behind. They appeared drunk, their arms wrapped around each other's necks for support, bouncing off each side of the alley. One of them roused a song, from where John stood he couldn't quite make it out. The odd word shouted louder than the others at the end of each sentence.

He could feel Sem tense as they got closer. She grabbed John, dragging him into a dark doorway. 'Quick, pretend to kiss me.' She grabbed his collar, and dragged his face to hers. John met her eyes and fell into the beauty and serenity they possessed. He shook his head and looked away.

'John,' whispered Sem into his ear. 'Are you becoming impervious to my charms?' John smiled and looked over her shoulder into the darkness. Holding Sem so close no longer gave him the feelings he had once had. She was an angel; he was human with abilities as yet not fully untapped. They were a formidable team. Why ruin that with romance?

The two men toddled opposite John and Sem now. John held his breath, hoping they would pass. They stopped and peered into the doorway. 'Well, well, well,' said one, 'Looks like this laddie has found himself a little fun tonight.'

'Eh?' his mate frowned confusedly about him.

'There in the doorway...see? Look he has a whore for the night. Go on lad, give her one for me.' He laughed at his own joke as he made a gesture with his arm. The second man still staggered around befuddled.

'I can't see shit,' he said.

The first laughed. 'Ha ha,' he said, 'It must be Whore Friday tonight.'

Sem pushed John to one side. 'Fuck this.'

'No.' She strode forward, rolling up her sleeves. 'It's fucking throat punch Thursday fucker.'

She lashed out with a perfectly executed punch, the man dropped, grasping his throat. He flopped about on the floor, struggling to breathe.

The second man tried to charm Sem with a rotten-toothed smile as he backed away. Not in the mood for being charmed today, he suffered the same fate as the first.

John stepped out of the darkness. 'You have to stop doing that Sem. Throat punches aren't nice.'

'No.' She shook her hand once as she stepped determinedly into the street. 'But they are damn fucking effective.'

John shrugged, he couldn't argue with her reasoning. He jogged towards her, stopping as he reached her side.

'Right,' she said, 'Victorian London eh. It must have taken you forever to get in here.'

John laughed. 'Forever is such a long time Sem, but yeah it took a while to find the right photo. Still, it will be worth it.'

'Okay,' she said, 'Hit me. Why are we here.'

John looked her straight in the eyes, savouring that crazy gleam he felt reflected in her eyes, the one that always landed them in trouble. It was a look he could see she liked.

'It's a tough one Sem, I won't lie to you. We're going to find and kill Jack the Ripper.'

Sem arched an eyebrow and smiled. The gold tooth glinted in the gloom.

P.S. Looking for something BLINK to read? Well, there's a BLINK 1.5 story on my profile called "Dark Road." Go check it out. *thumbs up* Also, BLINK 2 is now out! Check out BLINK 2: Circle of Ten on my profile for more from John and Semila!

© Steve Ford and Joy Cronjé 2018

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