Edgar the Peaceful (959 - 975)

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Edgar (or Eadgar; c. 944 – 8 July 975) was King of the English from 959 until his death in 975. He became king of all England on his brother's death. He was the younger son of King Edmund I and his first wife Ælfgifu. A detailed account of Edgar's reign is not possible, because only a few events were recorded by chroniclers and monastic writers were more interested in recording the activities of the leaders of the church.

 A detailed account of Edgar's reign is not possible, because only a few events were recorded by chroniclers and monastic writers were more interested in recording the activities of the leaders of the church

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King of the English
Reign: 1 October 959 - 8 July 975
Predecessor: Eadwig
Successor: Edward the Martyr

Born: 943/944
Died: 8 July 975 (aged 31-32)
Burial: Glastonbury Abbey
Spouse: Æthelflæd Eneda
               Wulfthryth of Wilton
Issue: Edward, King of the English.
            Saint Edith of Wilton.
            Æthelred, King of theEnglish.
House: Wessex
Father: Edmund I
Mother: Ælfgifu of Shaftesbury
Æthelflæd Eneda ('the White Duck'; died in the 960s) was an Anglo-Saxon noblewoman who was the first wife of Edgar, King of England, and the mother of Edward the Martyr.

Died: circa 960s
Spouse: Edgar, King of the English
Issue: Edward, King of the English.
Father: Ordmær
Wulfthryth, also known as Wilfrida (died c. 1000), was the second known consort of Edgar, King of England, in the early 960s. Historians disagree whether she was his wife or mistress. In 964, Edgar married Ælfthryth, and then or earlier Wulfthryth returned to Wilton Abbey, where she had been educated. She was accompanied by her daughter Edith, who was widely revered in the eleventh century as a saint. Wulfthryth remained there for the rest of her life as abbess and died on 21 September in an unknown year, around 1000. She was regarded as a saint at Wilton, but her cult did not spread more widely.

Spouse: Edgar, King of the English
Issue: Saint Edith of Wilton.
Ælfthryth (c. 945 – 1000 or 1001, also Alfrida , Elfrida or Elfthryth) was Queen of the English from her marriage to King Edgar in 964 or 965 until Edgar's death in 975. She was a leading figure in the regency during the minority of her son King Æthelred the Unready between 978 and 984.

Queen Consort of the English
Tenure: 964/965 - 8 July 975
Coronation: 11 May 973

Born: c. 945
Died: 17 November 1000/1001 (aged 55-56)
Spouse: Æthelwald, Ealdorman of East Anglia
               Edgar, King of the English
Issue: Edmund.
            Æthelred, King of the English.
Father: Ordgar, Ealdorman of Devon

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