Chapter 1. Part 1.

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Sachi is my pride and joy... She'd do anything for me... I don't think she can even recognize me anymore... But I still love her with all my heart...

Ice: It was a rainy evening after school, just like this one... Running down the stairs, the kindly teacher lost her footing. She tumbled, and she fell... and she died.
... You've all heard the stories, no? Before Kisaragi Academy was built here, there was another school on the property. Heavenly Host Elementary School, it was called.
Such a horrible thing to happen... The principal was completely devastated. He cared for the school almost as if it were his own child, you see. But one thing led to another after the incident... and ultimately, a decision was reached. The school was to be shut down.
The principal was so stricken with grief over losing his precious child that on the day of its closure... he climbed up to its roof and threw himself to his death. Or do the story goes...

Despair: *groans*

Ice: People thought Heavenly Host was cursed, you see. This was just the latest of many deaths to occur there. That's why it was torn down...
However! They say the teacher who fell down the stairs still has no idea she's dead, even to this very day... And on rainy evenings like this, after our school day's come to an end...
... Some claim she roams these darken hallways... s t i l l  b e l i e v i n g  t h e m  t o  b e  h e r  o w n . . .
In fact, it's almost time for her to make her rounds! Just after seven o'clock... That's when she appears, always accompanied by a sudden blackout that leaves the entire building dark as night... *knock knock,* you'll hear from the darkness... followed by the sound of the classroom door ssslowly sssliding open... As her pale white face cuts through the stillness, her soft voice always echoes the same question: "I s  a n y o n e  s t i l l  h e r e ?" And then...

*lightning strikes and the room goes dark, only lit by the burning candle in front of Ice*

Despair: *slightly frightened* Hm?

The girls: Eeeeeeeeeek!!

*Cassie and Paris jump back, Despair falls on his ass*

Despair: It's... a blackout!

Cassie: Despair! Pull yourself together! Don't scare us like that!

Despair: But, it was scary!

Ice: I don't like this... This shouldn't be happening...

Yeno: Not bad, Whitelock. You had me going there for a minute.

Ice: It wasn't me! I've been standing right here the whole time! This is a real blackout!

Kate: Does... anyone else hear that?!

Jack: Sounds like it's coming from the music room...

*knock knock*

Everyone: ...!

Ice: No way!

Kate: (First the blackout... and now the door...)

Despair: ...Hnnnnnng...

*Despair makes terrified sort of whining sound and grabs onto Cassie*

Cassie: What the hell is wrong with you, Despair?! Get ahold of yourself! ... And get off my chest!

Despair: Ack! Sorry, sorry! I couldn't see where I was grabbing!

*knock knock*

Kate, Ice, Paris, and Cassie: ...!

Despair: I told you it was a bad idea to stay here so late and tell ghost stories!

Yeno: Hey, Despair. Aren't you going to get the door?

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