ch 6

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Marinette POV

We were in the middle of lunch as Aredon Minchen last ch wich was poka also minchen last ch and watching Disney Mawona and the second one on a free movie app and was at the rock's song on the 2nd one and again out of nowhere 3 acomities victims who were 3 more siblings of cales nightingale but why are they a exect copy of dingal dotals d&d characters and the phantom from Naruto Mario and rabbits 2nd installment and dlc #3? All I can say is that the fight was supper fas that it didn't need to be described. We won.
Marinette: marculous Lady bug.
*After the battle*

Alya: now back to the movie and lunch.
*The movie ends*
Maui: the first one was better than the 2nd especially with legends like mancen and Mariana.
Nino: at least it was better than Disney wish. Maui, Marinette, adreon and Alya: agree

Alya: what was your favorite song from both of them mini was we know the way which we help with for the first one and beyond

Marinette: mine was your welcome and can I get a che hoo

Adrian/ nino:mine was where you are and were back

Maui: mine is let loose and shine

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2024 ⏰

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