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[Different Perspective]

"Fuck- Why did I do that?? Out of the things I could've said, I said, "I love you" ??? I mean, I told him I didn't mean it, obviously! Just because I get jealous when they're around people, and I want to hold him, and... kiss him..... D- Doesn't mean I love or even like him! I'm just curious is all!" I looked at Nami. She was the one i was rambling to. "Dude... You sound like you have a thing for this man." She spoke, I sat there, "I AM NOT! I- i...." I went quiet, "Your face is red, " she giggled. I wasn't blushing! "I'm not in love with him!" I yelled, "Woah woah woah, who said a thing about being *Inlove*~" Nami smiled at me. "....holy shit, I think I'm in love with him..." I responded, Nami stood up."Glad we had this talk, I gotta go find Willow!" And she left. Fuck.

[Different Perspective]

I had a lot of questions after our cuddling. He said he loved me... It sounded like he meant it, but then he freaked out and apologized... The thought of him meaning it makes me feel weird inside, "I do want to be loved by him..." A sentence slipped out, Willow looked at me, "Thinking about Robin again?" She asked, "No." I responded. "I just.. he said he loved me and then apologized and said he didn't mean it, but now that I think about it, I would really like it if he did mean it..." I looked sad according to Willow, "Stop your sulking, you have a crush on him, and he totally likes you back." Willow smiled, "Wha- I don't have a crush on him, That would imply that I loved him or something." I responded quickly. "You do. And he meant it when he said he loved you. Just kiss him, it'll fix all your problems. Anyway I'm gonna go find Nami, Bye Cher" She left.... Just kiss him..? Maybe I will.

Enjoy☆ 334 words
Next chapter will be the end.

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