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From Chinar : -----

-"Newt! Are we ready?" The boy shouted who born in 2000, brunette and having green eyes. He shouted to his closest worker. In some minutes a boty ( in his early 20s , black skinned and yellow eyed) ,  entered to the room, with his excited face.
-"We are ready! Every decrees are done and guys are waiting for you at the garden."
-"Okay, I'm done too. Lets go."
We saw my mom while going down to the 2nd floor of the house. My mom can't walk for 5 years. I already knew what she will say when she came beside us with her wheelchair. But, I didn't interrupt her.
-"Good lucks my dears. Be careful"
-" Don't worry mom, we will be back apporaximately in 4 hours."
California was a place where awful works are less. So, moving here was one of my good ideas.
-"96 guy from block C4 will be around of the house. You dont have to be scared , but if something happens call me."
The woman( brunette and with green eyes as me ) just moved her head upside - down.
Newt and me were going by his car. Behind us there are captains of block A1, B1, C2 and their asistants with 3 car. Men of blocks were after them with motorcycles . When I layed to back for taking the guns, I saw Newt's tired eyes which are watching night. I think he is tired, because we had been at the police station as polices from 8am.
Yes,I am both police and also captain of this gang and Newt is my asistant. I also know that making  a gang while being a police is illegal. But, I have to do it and keep my dad's words.
My dad died before 2 years. He went away from us because of a stuppid police- prisoner fight. At his last words he wanted from me to destroy every gang in California and arrest every prisoner.
Making a huge gang didnt take much time, because I made dad's workers a police group above 100 guy as members. I left my opinions with Newt's words
-" How you think bro? Why DD doesnt want to give 928 to us?"
-" This situation also seems strange to me. Wonder how experiment is it."
Companies like DD are kidnapping humans from different parts of America. Sometimes these humans can be from other countries too.
Most of these companies usually selling people's organs or in good way they do human trading.
-"Dude this company is strange. Come on, whats DD?!"- Newt said with anger.
-" Do you know what DD means?" - I asked ( Chinar)
-" Of course! DNA Designers." - Newt answered .
-" Silly! Why we didnt destroy a company that doing awful tortues to humans and doing experiments with playing in their DNA?!"
-" Don't mind bro. We will see this company in some minutes. This experiment is the last one and after they sell her, they will bomb their lab . Then, will be disappear forever.." -Newt tried to make me calm. He continued more.
-" And I beg you! Please give a vacation at least for 3 days! I tired."
Newt was right during last  1 year, we arrested guys of 94 gang without any holiday. I forced all of them for focusing to gangs and fights. It isnt all,  I even been holding them for working as polices too in the mornings. I really have to think about a holiday. Newt started to talk again.
-" İf they won't give experiment 928 to us , I swear to God that i will shoot them all! We are talking with company for 3 weeks but can't gain any shit! My marks fallen at school and ...."- Newt stopped.
I continued him with laughing out loudly.
-"And Amy didn't talk with you, you also couldn't see her."
After saying these I laughted a lot even if Newt looks badly to me right now.  Amy was Newt's platonic love. She always ignores Newt , but Newt believes that one day his love will be true.

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