Ok no one asked, but due to my TRIVIA questionnn, here's all 6 of my cats :D
I'll just do kitty profiles :(
Rosie: She's 8 years old and LITERALLY MY BABY.
She's a calico cutie kitty, and loves to cuddle :))Binx: She's about 3 years old and SUPER annoying, but soooooo cute.
She's a chunky black cat with pretty yellow-ish green eyes.
I got her as a Christmas present :))These two both live with me at my moms house!!
Biggy/Biggie/Big Bigs/Biggie Boy: He's one of my oldest cats, he's 13 years old!! He's a gray and white tabby, and LITERALLY THE BIGGEST CAT I've ever had, his head is like triple the size of my baby Rosie's.
He gets in really bad cat fights because of his size, but he's so sweet and loves attention.Little Bigs/Lil Biggy Boy/Snot Rocket: Biggy and Little Bigs are brothers, though Little Bigs is a bit smaller then the Biggy Boy.
Little Biggy is 13 just like Biggy.
He's a tabby as well, but he has darker colors then Biggy, (black, dark gray patterns)
Yes, we call him Snot Rocket because he has upper respiratory issues and when he sneezes, SNOT. EVRYWHERE. We also think he may have cancer :((Katia/Fat Cat/Chunk-o-pop: She's my step moms cat, she's also about 3-4 yeas old. She's a Dilute Calico with really pretty green eyes, she's really fat as well :)
She always has a little crazy look in her eyes which is absolutely adorable, and when you pick her up she clings to you!
And for some odd reason she will run to you if you whistle the lord of the rings song.Olive: Olive is also my Step moms cat, she's about 2-3 years old. She's a dilute calico like Katia, and a little crazy lol
She used to be named two-face but when we got her, we named her Olive because of the gray patch of fur above her eye that looks like an olive :DThese four live at my dad's and step moms :)