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It was quiet. The full moon shines on a waterfall. A silver she-cat was on the bank where the waterfall forms a river. Suddenly a shiny silver she-cat came to her and meowed: "What are you doing here Silver?! It's dangerous to be so close to the river!" Silver stood up: "Oh moon, don't treat me like a cub anymore." She pleaded. Moon glared at her. The two cats turned around because they heard a loud yelp and then it went "SPLAT!" The two cats were frightened because they saw a cat's body in the water. Silver yelped, "Get her out of there moon!" Moon jumped into the water and pulled out the cat's body. Silver meowed: "That should be a kitten as small as she is." Moon recognized a sweet light-brown she-cat with polka dots. "Shall we take her with us, Moon?" Silver asked. Moon meowed soberly and sniffed the little she-cat: "We'll take her with us." Then she quickly added: "Then we'll see what happens to her." The besh-tan she-cat with polka dots moved her paws. Mond looked at her: "She's still alive, we'll take her to Fleck." Silver nodded and exhaled slowly. Moon meowed with a sharp tone, "We're going back to camp and stay close behind me!" Silver nodded, not wanting to get into more trouble. They walked past Twoleg Camps and into an alley with the smell of cats. Moon jumped to the highest point and yelped: "All the cats that can eat prey gather around me now!" Several cats came to her and listened to her quietly. "Silver and I found a little she-cat in the river, she is now in the nursery with Spot." Several cats murmured quietly until one hissed loudly: "Are you crazy?! We can't even feed ourselves and Shade is having her kittens soon, we don't have any prey to feed them!" Several cats yelped in agreement. Moon whined against the noise: "Ruig! I'll take care of her and hunt for her. I don't care what you say Snake. I didn't make you my representative that you contradict me!" The catwalk became quiet as Fleck came into the clearing. "Do you have any information, Fleck?" Fleck nodded and jumped next to Moon. "She's fine...She's opened her eyes." Fleck paused for a moment and looked at his paws. "Unfortunately she is blind and has lost her memory...she is useless to us..." Several cats yelped: "Banish her! Take her to where you found her !" Moon had tears in her eyes. "No.....NO!" She hissed, "I took you in too!" Snake hissed: "Yes, but now we hunt for our group!" Mond looked at him with a cold look: "Don't... talk back to me!" A yelp came from the nursery: "I'm sorry... the meeting is over." Moon meowed: "Come on! Get to work!"

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