So..hi, my name is Izzy! Originally when making this, i was just gonna take about bits and pieces of who I am, but i don't really wanna do that anymore.
It is currently 1:22 in the freaking AM and I am not tired....I don't think that's good.
Anyways, ur probably reading this and thinking "Why the heck am I reading this?? This is just some random goofy kid that decided to tell everyone stuff about them." And to be fair, I don't really know why you're reading this either. Maybe because you're weird and goofy like I am? Or maybe you're just a butthole, idk, and frankly i don't care. (A/N:sorry if i hurt any viewers :()
This is my first "story" ever, so please cut me some slack when it comes to writing stuff. Btw, if anyone (probs no one) is interested, i'm kinda having a mini Q&A in my profile/in the comments(which ever works for you), so you can ask me stuff there. No personal info will be given out such as: real name, face, age, location etc. only things about my hobbies and stuff. Although I am very new, I've already had a lot of fun here, chatting with people and reading amazing stories. A HUGE shout out to all of my followers, especially 13Marcus13 (I couldn't add the little at symbol without my laptop being weird sry. But just search them up pls)
Anyways my friends, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! Just know, I'm always here to talk if you want, with that said, ily all so much and I'll see you later!! :333
About Izzy!
Short Story!!!BTW!!! This is not me trying to be an attention seeker! I simply just want to tell you guys what I'm like so you have a better understanding of who I am! With that being said, let's get right to it!!