Chapter 1

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"Yukira you can't just move out!", My mother yelled at me when I told her I will be moving to my father. "Yes I can! I can move to my father when I want!" I yell back my brother staring at us two like we lost our minds. My mother walked closer to me : "I will not allow you to even step out this door!" My eyes widden at her threat. "You cant stop me", I hiss but just seconds after my head flew to the side. "You have no right to talk to me like this." my mothers voice was low but shaking with anger. This was my word, I took my packed belongings, flipped my middle finger at my mother and then left out the door.

I never regreted that decision. I never really had a good relationship with my mother and moving to my father was the best decision I made 2 weeks ago, of course I had to leave my old school and friends behind but I finally felt at home.
"Hey honey there is food for you on the table! I will be out, see ya and I love you", I hear my fathers voice from downstairs. I stand up and rush down to hug him: "I love ya too dad"
I wave at him as he walks out. The food on the table looked delicious.

I take a good picture of the food before laying away my phone and eating the food slowly

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I take a good picture of the food before laying away my phone and eating the food slowly. My fathers cooking was the best! It was just the perfect amount of Spices, the perfect amount of noodles and the egg on top was delicious as well. I would do everything to taste my fathers cooking.

After finishing the food I get up to get back into my room. My phone buzzing on my bed, I sigh and look at it. Oikawa and iwazumi finally realized I moved and were blewing up my phone, it made me giggle.
                           - //-

Shittykawa: Yuki! Why didn't you say goodbyeeee... You are so mean..

Iwa:  for once I will agree with trashykawa
                           - //-
The made me giggle, I felt bad for leaving them behind without saying a prober bye.


Me: I'm so sorry!! I didn't had time to say goodbye.. I promise you two I will return to ya and we will make it a day or weekend to remember🌹

Iwa: you better!😤

Shittykawa: you just left your best friends alone to die alone😔

Iwa: your mother didn't seem that happy..

Me: Oh she definitely wasn't, but hey when was she ever happy about smthg I did?


I sigh my mother really treated me like a failure, I didn't even knew why! But I was hoping it would change during the time I was living with my father, I really loved my mother. She was a nice and Independent woman, I looked up at her. I have always wanted to be like her.
But I never could and I thought thats alright I will be like her in my own way.

I ignore my buzzing phone as I walk to my closet ready to put on outfit to were on a walk in the city.

I quickly dress and snap a photo before leaving my phone on my desk and walk out, I only had my keys and money in my purse

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I quickly dress and snap a photo before leaving my phone on my desk and walk out, I only had my keys and money in my purse. I lock the door behind me and sigh as I start walking. I was looking for a new bubble tea store in the hope to drink a new bubble tea. Sadly without my two best friends Iwazumi and the idiot Oikawa. I missed them, I missed them alot...

So deep in thoughts I didn't realize where I was walking and I directly crashed into someone. We fall backwards and he lands on top of me.

"I'm sorry", I start before being cut of by the funny look of strawberry milk covering us both and I burst out laughing hardly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2024 ⏰

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