2024 ME

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I started this yeaaaars ago, kind of when wattpad was new. But then I stopped it years ago to. As to why? That I cannot anwser because I don't know why. But recently I've been having alot of thoughts and dealing with alot that I thought I should start talking about and dealing with and maybe someone out there who is dealing with the same or similar or even knows someone in this situation these words would be a great comfort to them.
So to catch you up. I'm in university now lol I'm big grown. I'm 22, no longer single found a woman by my standards is the perfect woman for me. Been dating two years but a little side note to the story her and I had a thing in high school too like grade 9 but I had to leave for boarding so boo hoo and we started talking again in grade 11 and never stopped since now I'm here. Well enough about that lol.

I've been dealing alot with anxiety, and basically just insecurity in myself, in a lot of things I'm doing, going to do and will do, and it's to a point where I'm nothing but worried so today I turned to scripture Philippians 4:6-7 which reads
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God"
I prayed today and I'm going to pray about this tomorrow and forth going because I don't accept this anxiety and neither should you. That's my story for today.

I hope this helps you a little bit Goodmorning and goodnight wherever you reading this. God loves you.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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