Chapter 3

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Well here is chapter 3 of Pinky Promise!

It's not very long.....





 - Avery


Chapter 3:

Parker's POV

 It's was late when I walked up the back steps and through the door. I had found my shorts by a random bush and had put them back on.

I opened the back door slowly so I wouldn't wake anyone. But luck wasn't on my side tonight as the door creaked so fucking loudly that people miles away could have heard it.

I opened it the rest of the way normally, not really giving a fuck, and then shut it. I stalked towards the kitchen to get something to hold me over til morning.

I noticed there was a small lamp light on on the table next to the couch when I exited the kitchen. I could tell who it was by their scent.

"Hey, dad. Sorry for running off earlier, I just had to get a few things straight about Luke is all." Oh how ironic. 

My father just sat there, no emotion on his face. "I understand that finding out Luke is your mate was a shock, but why did you run? Why didn't you tell him?"

I could feel myself growing angry and I didn't even know why. "Why didn't I tell him? Why would I tell him?! I can never tell him. I bet he's not even gay. He would have told me. He can have a happy life with a nice girl." My voice started out loud and then grew softer with each passing word.

My dad's face took on a sympathetic expression as he stood. "Parker, he's your mate for a reason. We may not know that reason now, but we will in time. He will feel the pull towards you soon."

I looked down at the ground, his words floating around in my head. I walked forwards and shared a short hug with him. I then turned towards the stairs. "Is he home now? I know it's late but I need to tell him about werewolves before I can tell him about mates."

He shook his head, "No he said he was staying at a friends house." I stopped in my tracks and spun around.

"A friends house? Who? When did he leave?" I shot off random questions needing to know if he was safe. My dad thought about it for a moment before answering.

"He left an hour after you ran off, he thought he did something and that he should give you some space. Um, he went to...Nick Davidson's house. I believe he goes to your school and works with Luke." He had no idea how much this statement pissed me off.

 I growled, my vision becoming clearer. "Nick....why the hell would he go to his house?! Nick is a senior. Nick and Luke have been friends for a while now and it never bothered me before, but it pisses me off because he is gay. Nick is fucking gay!"

Now I'm no homophobe but I really don't want him to be there. Spending the night? Hell no!

"Where are my keys? I need to go get him. He-Luke can't stay there. I won't let him." My voice was low and dangerous and it didn't sound like much like mine.

My dad stepped forward placing his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look at him. "Son...Parker, look at me. Now." He spoke using his Alpha tone and I had no choice but to obey.

His face was serious. His lips set in a tight, thin line before he spoke, "Parker, you need to calm down. Luke doesn't know yet. If you just barge over there demanding he come home will come across as very rude, considering how you left this morning."

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