New Beginnings

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August 16. I wake up in a cold sweat. And look at my phone. "Ugh the first day.." The first day of school is always dreadful. New faces, new classes, but the same old school. It's even worse knowing that "they" are in every single one of my classes. It feels impossible to escape them. Every corner I turn, every breath I take, they're always there... and I despise it with all my heart.

I turn into the doorway and sit down at my seat. The teacher takes roll. I pull out my notebook, ready for the lesson to begin. As always, I hear whispers behind me. "Not again..." I mumble to myself. I lower my head and try to hide my face in my elbow. My best friend, Nick, places his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

I've known Nick for as long as I can remember, and he's always been there for me. "Don't get so worked up about them. They're just messing around," Nick says, trying to cheer me up. I glance up at him and smile warmly. "Thanks," I say softly. "So, do you have any plans today?"

"Not really. Did you want to do something? We can go by that cafe that just opened up. I heard they have some really good drinks and snacks!"

I don't know why but my heart skips a beat at the thought. "I guess. It's better than being at home or here."

"Well, if that's the case then let's walk there after school." Nick flashes a really bright smile at me. His smile always shines, and he has almost every girl in the school swooning for him. And to be honest, I don't blame them. "Yeah, that sounds nice," I say. The teacher begins a roll call and starts the lesson. A few hours later, while walking to English, someone bumps into my shoulder. I feel a sharp sting of pain and wince as I fall to the ground. My folders scatter everywhere. I look up, but the person just keeps walking. Not a "Hey, are you okay?" or even an "Oh, I'm sorry." This is bullshit. I pick up my things and start heading to class.

I walk in and everyone's eyes are on me. I start to feel embarrassed, and I rush to my seat. I looked around and the person who shoved me was a couple of seats away from me. They turn around to look at me. I quickly turn my gaze back at my desk.

I drowned out the teacher's voice. I can feel my head getting heavier and heavier and suddenly black. Moments later, I bolt awake at the sound of the harsh tone in the teacher's voice. "Ms. Levine. Please sleep in your own time." The entire class laughed but one person stood out to me the most. The shover. They're laugh was so obnoxious and stuck up. I hated their laugh.

BRINGGGGGG! The sound of freedom. The afternoon school bell was music to my ears. I hurriedly packed my things and met Nick at the front of the school.

"Finally! I'm so ready to get away from here." I let out a frustrated sigh as I walked alongside Nick. He lets out a hearty chuckle, "Seemed like your first day was bad."

"This rando kept messing with me today." I roll my eyes. "Maybe he likes you" Nick nudges me playfully. I fix my hair and scowl. "Yeah right..."

After the cafe hang out. Nick walks me to my house. We talk about everything under the sun. Talking with Nick makes me feel... different. It is different from any other conversation. I can feel my heartbeat get faster with every passing moment. We walk up to my front door and say our goodbyes.

Reaching for the doorknob, Nick grabs my wrist and pulls me toward him. He kisses me and then quickly moves back. "Sorry. I just couldn't help myself." Nick rubs the back of his neck nervously. I laugh, "It's okay. I've actually liked you for quite some time..." Nick's face lights up and he tells me how happy he is to hear that. "Well, that's good to hear. I thought you'd reject me." He shuffles his feet. "So... I'll see you tomorrow?"

I smile warmly trying not to let my joy inside get the best of me. "Most definitely!"

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