Chapitre 8-The leader of the class C

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Exterior Point of View

The class remained silent. What used to be normal—this peaceful rhythm of life—had come to a halt, and they saw their view of the world shatter. How could they have imagined the reality of things? Despite being the last, there was still a risk of expulsion, and the employment rate was reserved only for the students of class A. They were privileged, entitled to what was due to them. The only way to benefit from it was to tear it from the hands of others.

Nothing more, nothing less.

One student had understood this well. At least, he knew it was what his classmates were thinking, and unlike them, he had figured it out a long time ago. He could see their fears—their fear of seeing their dreams and futures shattered. He could even feel their fears; he understood them. But not in the sense that he pitied them—on the contrary.

He only understood their reactions: why they were angry, and why they were afraid.

How did he know?

Simply because, unlike the others, he was constantly searching for a reason for everything.

It was his passion, his purpose in life.

To find answers to all his questions.

Having this hobby since childhood, he had developed an incredible emotional intelligence. His curiosity to search, to observe human reasons, drove him crazy. He wanted to learn more; his curiosity was too strong. It alone deserved to be satisfied.

In the end, how did he view humans?

As strange beings to observe. A passion in which he could study and learn, like a child fascinated by a subject. He had dedicated his life to his own curiosity.

He remained silent in the face of all this, watching his classmates quietly with a curious eye. After all, why was he here? He had found a fascinating subject, a subject close to his heart, in which he could present a report.

He wanted to study and understand Hishida.

The students waited calmly, but for what?

For someone to stand up and propose a solution? Their futures were already compromised. For many of them, they had come to this school because they were certain they could have opportunities everywhere and could guide their careers successfully. A student with magenta-colored hair observed the scene, and then he understood that his moment was coming soon.

Yes, it was the perfect moment, he could go.

He stood up and slammed the table hard.

First step: make a good impression. By showing his confidence, he showed the audacity to not fear the situation. And slamming the table was a warning to anyone who dared approach or challenge him.

Second step: stand in front of everyone and show who would dominate the class throughout the year.

For a tyrant, the first impression mattered. He had to show who he was and discourage anyone in the class from rebelling against him. He knew this; he had already done it. This explained his confidence in himself and his actions. He knew what he was doing.

He swept the class with his arrogant and provocative gaze. The class was already afraid of him. Perfect, he had succeeded.

Ryuen: "I'm not going to beat around the bush. Here, I will be the one to lead this class. If anyone has something to say, let them speak up."

In other words, anyone who dared to rise and show their opposition to what Ryuen was proclaiming. But there was a risk—Ryuen could very likely become violent with those who didn't listen. That was why he slammed the table, to show this certainty about himself. Even though he wanted to be the leader, would anyone really take that risk? Was he competent enough to take this position and stand in his way? Was anyone truly capable of taking charge?

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