Late ( Kakashi Hatake)

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I was going to kill him. I was going to brutally murder him with my bare hands and throw his body of the Hokage monument. I got up from my seat and slammed the money for me down on the table. I started off home grumbling probably louder then I thought.

He had left me standing there for 2 hours. Before I just decided to eat and kill him when I see him. He always pulled this crap with everyone! With his students, with other jounin, even with me. And it always came with the same lame excuses.

“I got lost on the road of life Yumi-Chan”

“A black cat crossed my path, so I had to take the long way Yumi-Chan”

Of course I could smell the lie’s a mile off but the sneaky bastard always managed to grab my attention away from the subject. Sometimes I wondered why I was even with him. He didn’t grab the concept of arriving on time, he wouldn’t at least tell me the real reason he was late and I had probably seen his face very briefly on maybe 2 occasions. What kind if relationship was that?

I finally reached my apartment and slammed the door open. He had done this for the last time! I was going to ignore him! And actually go through with it! He had pissed me off many times before, even when we wernt in a relationship and I had tried to ignore him. And he just managed to force me to acknowledge him. Like constantly following me with flowers or just following me. And sometimes he would actually move into my apartment for a few days.

I marched around my apartment, picking up everything that bastard had left here over the years we had known each other. His clothes, his pervy books, hell he had even left some of his kunai here. I had to remember to keep one of those in case he ever REALLY pissed me off. I piled all of his crap together by the window and began shovelling it out onto the streets, earning some startled shrieks of passers by who suddenly had boxers dumped on their heads.

I finally managed to get everything out and flopped onto my sofa in a huff.  Why was it always me who had to all the work? I always had to track him down, I always had to wait, I always had to do everything! Well this time was going to be different. He would have to beg me to even acknowledge he was even born this time!

I made sure to quickly lock all my windows and the front door. The guy was a freaking ninja after all I had to be careful.  I snatched a left over Make Out Tactics book and angrily started reading...which basically meant I just slammed the pages over very hard.

“Yumi-Chan. Wake up Yumi-Chan.”

I grunted and peeled the stuck pages of the book away from my skin. I heard Kakashi snicker behind his mask at me.

“ Well, well. Sleeping beauty awakes! With Make Out Tactics stuck to her face.”

I opened my mouth to scream at him but then remembered my big master plan. I stuck my nose in the air, got up and went into the kitchen, completely ignoring him. That poke at me was just one of his attempts at making me acknowledge him! Well it wouldn’t work this time!

I started taking out the ingredients for a single meal and started preparing. I could feel his eye burning a whole into the back of my head. I could feel the veins in my forehead pulsing. Just as I had my tactics, he had his. In the many years I had known him I knew that he never took well to my ignoring him, so that was my way of punishing him. And in the many years he had known me in turn, he knew I could not stand being stared at or even the slightest irritations.

“So we’re trying this again are we? I have to admit, throwing my stuff out the window was a nice touch.”

I gripped the knife in my hand tightly as fingers started to poke and prod at my ribcage. I bit my lip forcing down the squealing and muscle spasms that came with being tickled.  

“Come on Yumi-Chan you know this isn’t going to work. I definitely know this isn’t going to work now stop playing coy. I personally think you should apologize for standing me up.”

I slammed the plate I was holding onto the counter, effectively breaking it in half and making little shards fly onto the floor. I picked up the biggest piece of the plate and what ever was close by and began to pelt him it.

“ I STOOD YOU UP!? I don’t believe this! Its you! Its always you thats late! And I stood you up cause I didn’t want to wait again!? Oh I cant believe im with you!”

I tired my best to hit him but it was like watching a rigged shooting game a festival. He just dodged and weaved out of the way. Not even pretending to break a sweat for common courtesy. I finally ran out of things to throw at him and just stood there panting. A few minutes went by before I realised what I had done.

To be honest the next few minutes of speech on my part were best left out. Looking back on it I was sure a few neighbours would be visiting over the next few days, ready to talk about what their children’s innocent ears had heard.

I really let him have it this time. I screamed out everything he had ever done to make me angry, everything that had upset me or even worried me in our relationship. And he of course just stood there, single showing eye staring wide at me.

I finally managed to control myself letting my lungs take in some overdue oxygen. I could feel the heat in my cheeks and an anger headache forming in my temples. He was still just stood there. He didn’t say anything or move. I rubbed my eyes and turned towards to broken bits of plate littered across the counter.

Great. I could feel frustration tears welling up already. He walked up beside me and started to pick up some of the pieces. I only looked at him out of the corner of my eye. Not wanting him to see the state I was in. He had taken down his mask and forehead protector and was staring at the broken pieces in his hands solemnly. It stayed quiet between us for the rest of the evening. Not a single word was said. He just helped me clean and went to his own apartment. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I wondered what would be the next step. I had said everything now. I guess all I could do was wait and hope that he would come back. 

Late ( Kakashi Hatake)Where stories live. Discover now