"There is a reason the green fences stop you from going there.

There is a reason they warn you about this place.

There is a reason that almost no one knows about the abandoned Disney park...

Leave the resort.
Run now you still can.
Wish they didn't see you.
Wish that you won't be followed.

And wish you're not doomed to the silence...

River Country is reopened.

But not for fun..."

"You really think I believe in that nonsense?" I ask with a mean tone in my voice. My little brother tries to scare me. Again. I'm sick of him, seriously. "But it is real!" He whines. "Why? Because you read it on that stupid site on the internet?" I ask. "No, I read about it on Wikipedia..." "Sure. Totally real. Let's just have some real fun now", I say.

"Piper, Lucas! Hurry, come on, the monorail is already here!" Our dad screams. 

"Come on", I say, and I walk towards my parents. It's our first day in Disney World, Florida. Lucas is excited. Too excited. Yeah, it is his first time in Disney, but he really shouldn't tell those kind of stories. Especially not to me, because dorky enough: I believe them. "Hey, Piper, wanna ride Space Mountain first?" Lucas asks. "Eh, what about Buzz Lightyear's Laser Blast first?" I ask. "That's for babies. I want Space Mountain!" He screams. "Go with dad, but forget me!" I say. "You're scared!" He says, and his eyes grow. "No, I'm not!" But I feel I'm blushing. "Yes you are!" He laughs. "Piper is sca-red! Piper is sca-red!" "Can you maybe shut up, toddler?" I role my eyes, and run the last part to my parents. "Hey kids", my mother says. She still thinks I'm a little kid. But come on, I'm 15. It's torture to force me to go here with company like my brother. I asked if I could bring a friend, but no way, my parents said. "This is a family trip, for Lucas' 10th birthday!" Ugh. Now I need to survive five days with him. It's not that I hate Disney, in fact: I love it. But all those rollercoasters... Not for me. 

We take place in the monorail.

"Do you know what the scariest part is?" Lucas whispers, with a sadistic face. "What?" I snap. "The River Country waterpark is next to our hotel... The Fort Wildernis Resort..." "Shut up!" I scream. "Hey, Piper, be a little nice to your brother. It's his birthday!" My mom says. "Tomorrow it's his birthday", I say angrily. Lucas chuckles. My parents are always choosing his side, always. "Fine..." I sigh. "Oh my god! Look, mom, dad, Piper! The castle, the castle!" Lucas is jumping in front of the window like a 5 year old. "Lucas, come on! Please act like your age!" I snap. "We are here, finally!" "Piper!" My dad says. "What!" "Just let him be! He's having a fun time!" "By scaring me!" I say. "Oh, come on", my dad says. "You really believe those spooky stories? There is no abandoned Disney park, and there is no River Country!" He says. "Oh, there is", Lucas says. "Lukeyboy, stop scaring your sister", my dad says nicely. Always nicely to him. "If you don't believe it, just join me this afternoon, than I'll show you how real it is", Lucas says with an evil smile. "No way", I say dramaticly. "Piper is scared!" Lucas laughs. "Ok, ok! I'll join you! But only to prove you wrong!" "Oh girl, I'm going to prove you wrong..." My brother can be very evil. "Ok kids, let's get out and make some fun!" My mom says, and we step outside the monorail. I feel stupid for saying yes to Lucas, but this is the only way to prove him wrong! And to show my imagination it's fake...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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