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After winning the competition Me and Becky thought of have some alone time to relieve the stress and everything we went through so we went to the café that Becky and I like it so much. Miss phone said we can have 2 days leave.Beck is so clingy she never leaves my hand even when I am driving I think she misses me too much this days.

"Freen: Baby what do you want to have?"

Becky: She just smiled shyly and didn't say anything.

"Freen: Baby what happened why are you smiling?"

"Becky: Umm.. you know when you call me Baby it kinda feels nice and awkward too."I just nod.

"Freen: Yes it's kinda awkward too because I never call someone Baby." She nod."So what do you want to have?"

"Becky: Umm Milktea and Chocolate pastries."

"Freen: Okay." I ordered her usual then said, "Baby you have to count your sugar it's not good for your health I mean you can have it but with sugar ok?"

"Becky: Huh why?"

"Freen: It's not good for your health."

"Becky: Argh Fine."

After sometimes when our order is here we are hand in hand just eating and drinking talking about random things cine to our minds.

"Freen: Bec.."I called her and she looked at me with her cute face Oh my so cute control Freen. "Do you want to tell everyone about
us you know become um." Idk what is called I didn't even propose to her yet so idk."Do you want to tell our friends?"

"Becky: Um I mean it's new to me you know so why not tell them after 1 month because, at this moment I can break up with Non too." She has a point.

"Freen: Um I understand me too I mean it's also new to me then let's tell after 1 month then we can do whatever we want no one can stop us."

"Becky: Yess.. Um are you free tomorrow."

"Freen: Um I am you forgot we have 2 days leave?"

"Becky: Oh yeah then let's go on a Date?" Freen shocked by that didn't say anything just look at her

"Freen: Date? You mean like a couple?"

"Becky: Yes."

"Freen: Then where should we go?"

"Becky: Um I think you should decide."

"Freen: Why Baby?It's also your date as well we are going together you can select anything you want I am fine with everything in that if it is okay? You have my all consent that's it. Just tell me when to pick you up that's it."

"Becky: Um why? your likes and dislikes are included too."

"Freen: I want you to plan this for the 1st date of us for the nect time I can or we can plan together ok?"

"Becky: She smiles... "Yess then pick me at 11am ok?"

"Freen: Of course Honey." She blushed by that. "Let's eat baby then we can rest today i know you are tired and me too."

"Becky: Yeah I am. I nod Let me buy some candy floss for myself."

"Freen: Again sugar don't today you already have many sweet things buy it tomorrow ok?"

"Becky: But.."

"Freen: No but tomorrow you can have that ok?"She nod .
After having our little relaxing moment it's already 6pm so I decided to give a ride to my baby she said I don't have to because her brother is gonna pick her up but I want to
send her because I really don't wanna leave her.

The Ex, Who became my wife💍Where stories live. Discover now