01. You Can't Sleep Because Of The Thunder

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It was 2am and you were still awake because, for some reason, you just couldn't fall asleep.

You tried to move a little, but you couldn't because Michael's arms were tightly wrapped around your waist.

You smiled to yourself because you knew Michael did this to make you feel safe, and you loved it.

You turned around so you were now facing him and admired his precious face.

He looked so cute and calm when he was asleep.

You could just watch him sleep the entire night and not get bored of it.

Suddenly you heard the hard sound of thunder above the house and you shivered.

Michael felt it and it woke him up.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked sweetly as he saw the fear forming on your face.

You were about to tell him but you got interrupted by the sound of another loud thunder.

You grabbed the sheets and hid underneath it.

Michael immediately knew what was going on and wrapped his arms even tighter around your body.

He knew you were afraid of thunder, but couldn't help laughing just a little at your cuteness.

You buried your face into his neck as the sound of another thunder filled the room.

"It's okay, sweetheart." Michael whispered softly. "I promise it'll go away."

You closed your eyes as you felt Michael's hand stroke your hair, trying to calm you down.

A few minutes later you heard another thunder, but this one wasn't as loud as the other ones.

The thunder was slowly going away and you opened your eyes a tiny bit just to peek.

You looked at Michael who instantly made eye contact.

"Thank you, Michael." You mumbled while running your fingers through your messy hair, a little embarrassed of your fear.

"It's okay." He whispered while putting a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I'm sorry I woke you up by the way." You whispered as you turned your back towards him, hoping he'd get the hint of you wanting to spoon.

"Hey, don't be sorry, you know I don't mind." He said calmly. He spooned you and wrapped his arms tightly around your body. You smiled to yourself.

"Thank you." You whispered as you kissed his arms that were close to your face as he was cuddling you.

"Anything for you, babygirl."

You closed your eyes untill you heard Michael's voice speak again.

"And I'm not gonna lie, I think it's kinda cute when you're scared." He grinned.

"It's not." You said a little irritated.

"I'm sorry, baby....."

"I just love taking care of you." He whispered in your ear and a grin appeared on your face.

"I love you." You whispered and closed your eyes, feeling very tired.

"I love you too, my beautiful girl. Goodnight" He whispered as you both drifted off to sleep.

There you go guys, that was my first ever Michael Jackson imagine.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Please leave your opinions in the comments and feel free if you have any suggestions to also leave them in the comments!

Don't forget to vote and share! (:

Love, Lisa

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