22. Introducing Him To Your Parents

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"Are you sure they'll like me, (Y/N)?" Michael asked, looking nervously down at his fingers that were on his lap.

You placed your free hand on his thigh while your other hand was on the wheel of your car. "Baby, I've told you so many times they will! Plus, my mom loves your music." You said, keeping your eyes on the road.

"But what if they think I'm not good enough for you..." He mumbled, but you heard it.

"Did you really just say that?" You asked in disbelief.
Michael always felt like you deserved better than him.
You always told him that was not true and you were lucky to have him, but he never agreed with you.

"Michael, you're way more than good enough for me. And even IF my parents don't like you, they can't change a damn thing about what we have because it's my decision to be with you and not theirs. It's going to be okay baby, really." You said, rubbing his thigh as you felt him place his hand on top of yours.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He asked as your fingers intertwined.

You rolled your eyes playfully. "Yes, many times."

"Good, never forget that." He whispered the last three words and patted your thigh.


Once you arrived at you parents', you parked the car and got out of the car.

"You ready?" You asked, walking over to Michael to grab his hand.

"Yeah, I'm actually kinda excited." He smiled that billion dollar smile of his and started walking.

"Really..? You're not nervous anymore?" You asked, locking eyes with him.

"No, not really...I'm excited to meet the people who created this beautiful woman who's walking next to me." He smirked as you rolled your eyes.

"Cheesy Jackson, way too cheesy." You mumbled, running your fingers through your hair.

"I was joking." He winked and wrapped his arm around your waist.

"I know baby, I know." You said as you rang the door bell.

No one answered.

You raised an eyebrow. "I'll call my mom." You mumbled, dialing her phone number.

"Hey mom, we're at the door but no one's answering and.....oh....yeah, that's fine. See you in a bit!" You said and ended the phone call.

"What's going on?" Michael asked as you put your phone back in your bag and grabbed the key that was underneath the plant that was next to the door.

"They are at the supermarket because they forgot to get wine." You rolled your eyes again and opened the door.

"Wine?" Michael chuckled as you went inside.

"Yeah, their daughter's boyfriend is coming over so they need to be prepared." You said, knowing exactly what your parents were doing.

"Right." He chuckled again as he scanned the living room the both of you were in now.

"Make yourself at home, baby." You said as you went to the kitchen to get some drinks.

"Is this you?" Michael asked as you came back and placed two cups of coke on the table.

You looked into his direction and a smile formed on your face. "Yeah, that's me and that's my sister....I think I was like five years old." You said as you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind and pecked his neck.

"Cute." He smiled and continued looking at old pictures as you suddenly heard the front door open.

"There they are. Stay here." You said as you let go of his body and started to make your way to the hall.
You suddenly stopped and turned around to see Michael still looking at the pictures.
You grinned and made your way to the hall.

"Sweetheart!" Your father smiled as he embraced you in his arms. "Hi, dad."

"How long have you been waiting?" He asked as he took his coat off.

"Uh....like five minutes." You shrugged your shoulders as your mom came in.

"Hey, baby!" Your mom said and gave you a big hug.

"Am I really meeting the man of your dreams today?" She smiled as she pulled away from the hug.

"Yes, you are." You smiled and rubbed your arms, because the door was still open.

"Where is he?" She asked as you closed the door.

"Michael? Oh, he's in the living room." You said and took the bag your mom was carrying.

"His name is Michael?"

"Yes." You said and put the bag on the kitchen counter.

"And this Michael is the man you are going to spend the rest of your life with?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I am planning to, mother."

"And what will your surname be then?" She asked as you started to walk towards the living room.

You smirked. "Jackson." You said as you watched your mother cover her mouth.

"So his name is Michael....and his surname is...J-Jackson?" She stuttered. "Michael Jackson?"

"Yes, ma'am." Michael smiled as he walked up to you and wrapped one arm around your waist.

"No way." Was the only thing your mother could say as her hand still covered her mouth.

"Mom, are you okay?" You asked and placed your hand on her arm in concern.

"Y-yeah....my daughter is just in a relationship with the King Of Pop...I-I'm alright." She stuttered and you couldn't help but smile at her comment.

Your father walked in and froze for a moment once he saw Michael. You grinned and rubbed the space between your eyes with your fingers while Michael pulled you a little closer to him.

"My God, (Y/N)....Your boyfriend is the King Of Pop?" Your father asked in disbelief as he came closer and stopped next to your mother.

You nodded. "Yes daddy, I love him very much." You smiled and locked eyes with Michael.

You saw your father raising an eyebrow at Michael. Michael saw it too.

"Sir, I feel very lucky and honoured to be your daughter's boyfriend. I will do anything to keep her safe and make her happy. I've never loved anyone the way I love her...." He looked at you for a second as tears started to form in your eyes. He winked at you and continued speaking.

"....I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She's changed my life and I'm so thankful for that. I hope you are fine with the idea of me as your son-in-law?" Michael asked as a smile formed on your father's face.

"Of course, boy." He patted Michael's shoulder and you could not stop smiling at the sight in front of you.

"Thank you...Sir, ma'am...." He shook their hands. "I'm Michael Jackson."


HI IT FEELS LIKE IT'S BEEN SO LONG it probably has been so long lol i'm so sorry.

Oh and idk why but I've been having trouble trying to publish this part and only a few people could see it so i deleted it and republished it i guess? Sorry guys but I hope you enjoyed it :)


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