Chapter 20 - Opening Up

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I walk wherever he leads me, gun loaded and ready to fire. All I had on my mind was to see Darcy and talk to Josh. I'm not hiding the fact me and my wolf need him. I craved his touch and I craved him.

I stay alert all the time because right now, anything could happen. I could die in the span of a second.

The limping Barry leads me through a few corridors until we reach what looks like an elevator enterance. I come to a holt.

"We'll take the stairs instead." I say.

"They have guards everywhere on the stairs. The elevator is better. And quicker." He adds.

"How can I trust you? What if you mindlinked some people to be waiting outside the elevator door for when we get out?" I ask.

"I can't mindlink. You shot me with a silver bullet, which may I add, hurts like a bitch so hurry the fuck up and get in!"

I decide it's worth a shot. The elevator will be a lot quicker and my only option is to trust him. I hesitantly walk in and watch the doors close, sure that my life of this earth is about to end.

Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee-

"Get ready for when the doors open. There will be two guards standing by the enterance of it." Says Kai, suddenly, interupting my prayer.

My eyes get wide from shock. "You didn't tell me that!"

"I thought it was obvious." He says, rolling his eyes and then closing them, grabbing onto his leg again. It almost makes me feel sorry for him.

The little bell on the lift signalises we reached the bottom floor. Kai opens his eyes and straightens into a standing position. I throw him the gun and he catches it but seems confused.

"You're giving me the gun?" He asks.

"You don't have any other way to protect yourself or help me. I just hope my trust in you won't backfire." I mumble and get into a fighting stance.

The door opens and without wasting any time, I kick the guard nearest to me round the back of the head, knocking him out and I hear a gun shot to my left. Kai shot the other guard.

Maybe I can trust him afterall. I wasn't expecting that.

I quickly scan my surroundings and luckily it's clear. There's no one else here. I help Kai move a little faster as we head straight for the exit.

The light hits my eyes, blinding me for a few moments. I shrug that off as soon as I smell the sweet scent of the woods and feel a gust of wind blowing my hair past my neck.

"Okay, let's move. They'll be looking for us very soon." I urge and pull him deeper into the forest.

We've been running in human form for around 40 minutes (as best as I could with the tag along) and we stop to have a rest and drink by a small river. The water is sweet, just like what I used to drink as a child.

I admire the closed off section of the forest as it's beauty is outstanding. The air is clean, not like in the city and the only sounds you can hear are pleasant. You may think I sound like some countryside, nature freak but when you're a wolf and every sense is so much stronger, it really makes the difference.

I close my eyes, allowing my wolf hearing to emerge. The silver must be nearly gone out of my system then which means I can mindlink Josh very soon. Just the thought of it makes me go crazy inside. I listen to the calm water, running along the shallow rocks and pebbles. I hear a fish emerging for air and diving back into the water. I hear a familiar sound of a particular bird species that thrived in my forest.

And that's when it hits me.

My eyes snap open as I stand up and look behind me. My legs start to carry me faster into the direction I go, relying on purely my instincts. I don't have to run very long until I reach my destination.

Some long grass and weeds have grown on my pack's old land. It nearly looks like a part of the forest if it wasn't for a few bald grass patches that still hasn't recovered and some ruins of houses. I don't realise I'm crying or that Kai has his hand on my shoulder as I live in the moment, everything reminding me of that daunting afternoon.

I see flashbacks of Tyler's face, him letting me go, making me go for my safety with Lewis. I can see how terrified he was for me all over again. I see and smell the blood and the dead bodies that lay here a couple of years ago. I don't want to see it, but I do.

I start walking, inspecting the place, Kai walking closely behind and surprisingly keeping up. But my feet go jelly when I see two uneven and different stones, stuck into the ground a couple hundred meters from the battlefield.

'Gabriella Spencer, Luna and the best mother and leader anyone could imagine. Her hear was pure and her intentions were selfless.'

'Robert Spencer, powerful, true and loyal Alpha. An example of a strong ruler. A missed father.'

More tears roll onto my cheeks as I read these. Even by the carving onto the stone I can tell it's Tyler's handwriting. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for him to bury his own parents. To say goodbye the proper way. I just regret not being there with him.

"These are your parents?" Asks Kai. I nod, still looking at the stones.

"By the description, they sound like one of a kind type people." He adds seconds after.

"They were." I nod again, this time speaking.

Kai decides to leave me for a couple of minutes so that I can talk to them. I appreciate and thank him for it. After more long seconds of not knowing what to do and staring at their names, I take a deep breath.

"Hi mum, hi dad..." That's the best way to start it.

"Even though I bet you're not, I wish you were proud of me right now... I drifted away from Tyler yet we used to be so close... I got pregant at sixteen." I say the last part with a chuckle.

I wipe the tears that continue to spill with the hem of my top.

"But I found my mate. And I'm happy. I guess that's all you ever wanted for me, you wanted grandchildren too. Well I have a stunning, not so little girl and another baby on it's way. It's unfortunate you couldn't meet any of them... But you're still with me, aren't you? You're both here right now, I know you are." I continue.

"So you know what a diva Darcy is." I laugh between more tears.

I look down to the floor, picking up two daffodills that happened to grow nearby and I place then both by each stone. I let out a sigh.

"I can't mourn forever though, I need to move on and fulfill the duties of a Luna... Of a mother..." I bite my lip, crying some more.

"I want to be a mother as good as you, mum." I say, directing this to the first stone with the name 'Gabriella' on it.

More of a filler so sorry about that. The reason for it though is because I wrote this chapter and I was on a roll so wrote a really long one so I just split it in half and this is the first part.
I have planned out the rest of the story, this includes the plot and amount of chapters. The estimate is around 30 chapters for the complete story so around 10 more to go! I'm so excited about that because I've never actually finished a story so OMG this is exciting!
Thank you once again for the reads, comments, votes and your support, guys! You're the best *hug*
I'm about to go on holiday and I have a 25 hour car journey ahead... Yay (sarcasm). I was going to use that time to write like mad and maybe finish this story but I don't have a car charger and my phone would die (go iphone batteries!) if I did that and how would I listen to my music? Sorry guys, you'll have to wait because if I die of boredom, who will write the end to this story, huh? ;)
Love you all soooo much, kisses, mua!
-A (PLL moment, yas, ik)

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